Character Interview (Part 1)

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Thank you to all of you who gave me the questions! That's right, this is part 1. I am planning to do part two with both Ethan and Amelia's family/parents.

Anyway, now enjoy! Make sure to comment and vote! P.S: We crossed 200 votes tysm! Love y'all!

P.P.S: Chapter 37 comes out on Friday!


You said you fell in love with Amelia when you were 12, then how did you not notice when she was there in like almost 3-4 classes of yours?

Ethan's response: I didn't exactly fall in love with her at the age of 12... It was more of a crush. I fell in love with her after getting to know her. The reason why I didn't notice her when she was in my classes was because I was too invested in myself and my popularity. I thought I was trying hard enough to look for her, but I was not. Even though she was on my mind almost all the time, I didn't open my eyes and look for her.

Do you want to have kids with Amelia? if so at around what age, how many and what gender?

Ethan's response: Yes, I do plan on having kids with her. She is the one person with who I see my future with and I can't imagine coming home to anyone but her at the end of the day. I would want kids after both of us graduate college and have a stable career maybe. So around the age of 25 maybe, but honestly I am ready to wait for as long as she wants me to. Having a child is a huge commitment and responsibility and I want both of us to be ready for it, not just the one of us. I would want around three or four kids. I would want at least one girl, who is a "daddy's princess" but honestly I wouldn't mind having boys either. I have no prefaces as long as it is with the right person.

What is love to you?

Ethan's response: Love is a feeling. A feeling that you can't describe with words but a person. Love is when you put a person above you and their needs and wants become your priority. Love is when you care about a person. Love is when you feel safe in the arms of that person and you know who you are today is because of them. Love is when you close your eyes and picture yourself coming home to that one particular person. Love for me is Amelia.


How do you really feel about Ethan's possessiveness?

Amelia's response: I will admit, it can get a bit annoying sometimes, but it always makes me feel loved and safe... If that makes sense. Ethan is not exactly overly possessive, but he is possessive when it comes to certain things he loves. We even once talked about this and he told me he was scared of losing us, scared of people seeing him vulnerable or finding his weakness and using it against him. So I guess he becomes possessive then.

Are you going to take your and Ethans relationship to the next level?

Amelia's response: I mean not yet, we are still in high school. Maybe in the future but not right now. I do see my future with him and I know he is 'it' for me. I don't want us to rush into things and feel obligated to do certain things just because we love each other. When two people love each other none of us should feel obligated to do stuff, it should happen naturally. That's what I personally believe in.

What do you think love is?

Amelia's response: I always thought love was about being happy. But after meeting Ethan I realised there is more to it. Love is not only about being happy and getting your happily ever after. It's about making sacrifices for the person you love and putting their needs above yours. It's about the small gestures and moments that you treasure in your heart. It's about how you know the risk but you take it because you know its worth it. Love is about becoming the person you are right now because of them.

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