Chapter 34

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Guys this s crazy! We have more than 5k reads and more than 100 votes! God thank you so much! Anyway here is chapter 34. 

P.S My new update schedule is every Tuesday and Friday!

Anway enjoy this chapter, make sure to vote and comment thank you!

(Ethan's wallpaper above ^)


(Ethan's Point of View)

It's been three days.

Three fucking days since I slept properly.

Three fucking days since I have looked depressed.

Three fucking days since I locked myself up in my room.

Three fucking days since I smelt my comforters that smelt like her.

Three fucking days since I have been staring at the signed jersey she got me the memory of her smiling brightly when she gave it me running through my mind.

Here I am right now sitting on my bed and staring at my lockscreen picture, which happens to be a picture of her. It was a picture I took when we were at the mall just a few weeks ago with our friends. Andrew and Chase were laughing at some joke Andrew said and both the girls just looked at them with a 'really' look. Amelia had borrowed my blue coat and it was wrapped around her, she was looking back at then and as we walked to the exit of the mall sunshine happened to glow on her and then and there I managed to take a picture of her.

She looked beautiful... With her hair flying around, her hair shining makes it seem lighter and her eyes shining.

Every time I looked at the picture a smile would make its way on to my face. But this time with a smile pain enveloped my heart.

Today was 31st December which meant tomorrow was new years. Chase and Andrew somehow managed to convince me to attend this party two blocks away. I wonder if Amelia is going?

I shook my head at my thoughts. I need to stop thinking about her!

I turned off my phone with a sigh. I got up and into the bathroom before taking a shower and getting ready. Just as I was making my hair, my phone pinged with a text. I looked down at it seeing it was from Lucas.

Since the day Lucas stayed over we have talked and texted. It seems nice to just talk to him.

I send him a hey back before rushing downstairs. Amelia, Madison, Chase, Andrew and I were supposed to be hanging out today. None of our friends knew about our breakup, sure they knew something was wrong but they didn't know what.

I pocketed my phone before walking downstairs and into the living room. I saw Andrew, Chase and Madison sitting on the couch talking to a super excited Adrian. "Hey." I mumble confused. Who let them in? How didn't I hear the doorbell?

"Adrian let us in." Chase said once he noticed the confusion on my face. "Oh okay. Anyway where are we going?" I ask them as I take a seat next to Adrian. "The new bowling alley that opened next to our school." Andrew says not looking up from his phone. "Okay now go get Amelia so that we can leave." Madison urges.

My body stills at that. I haven't seen Amelia in three days. I avoided all the dinners and ate in my room and somehow my mom never objected. "Um why don't one of you go." I mumble. They all furrow their eyebrows at that, even Andrew. "Seriously what is going on? Both of you are acting weird. Did you guys have a fight or something?" Chase asks just as Adrian runs out of the room.

"I am fine." I mumble. "No you're not. Tell us what's wrong, we are your friends." He says. "Fine. We broke up. Now can one of you go and call her so we can fucking leave." I say as nonchalantly as possible. "WHAT?!" All of them yell together the shock and surprise clear on their faces. I look at them with a raised eyebrow, daring them to ask me to repeat myself.

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