Chapter 2

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I gulped as I looked at Ethan. "What? Cat got your tongue?" he smirked. First off, how dare he! He was the one who bumped into. Second off, who even says 'cat got your tongue' nowadays. Third off, if I stand here for even another minute I am going to lose it and one thing I know pretty well is don't mess with Ethan Turner, so I better scramble.

I ignore Ethan and turn another and was about to walk away before I felt someone grab onto my arm. I turn around to face Ethan who now had an amused expression on his face. "What?" I was mostly annoyed. Gosh, doesn't this dude get that I am going to be late to class. "You bumped into me. At least have the decency to say 'sorry'." He said. "Ok listen here Mister! I didn't bump into you, you were the one who bumped into me. So if anyone has to say 'sorry' its you not me. Now please let me go cause I am in no mood to deal with your assholeness and I have a class to attend" I say, trying to pull my hand away from his grip. "You have quite an attitude don't you?" Ethan says in an amused tune.

I swear to god if this guy doesn't leave me alone I might end up doing something I will regret. "" I say through gritted teeth. Ethan smirks and tightens his hold onto my forearm. "What's with the rush?" He asks me. And that's when I lose my patience and open the big mouth of mine. "Ok! That's it I have had it with you! Who the hell do you think you are? Listen here, I asked you nicely to let me go and you didn't and now I have lost my patience and I swear if I do something after this we both will regret it. So for the last time. Let.Me.Go" I yell.

I am pretty sure that everyone in the hallways is now staring at us, but I couldn't care less. "What is the worst you can do? Call your mommy?" He smirks. And then I do something I know I will regret later but I couldn't control myself. I kicked him in the balls. He lets go of my hand and falls to the ground hissing in pain. I heard a few gasps from the crowd but I didn't care. I turn around making my way through the crowd and to my class forgetting about getting my books from the locker.

I am currently in the cafeteria. Since the whole incident people have been giving me looks. I was sitting on my table, alone of course. You see I am a loner and have no friends, never felt like having them plus no one who had brains would want to be my friend. I was sipping on my juice in peace and scrolling through my phone when someone snacthed it from my hands. I look up to see who it is and I see Ethan and his posse.

"What do you want? Didn't you just understand to leave me alone?!" I say. Ethan takes a seat in front of me while the 2 other guys stand behind him with their arms crossed. "Listen here... Whatever your name is. You don't mess with me. So I am here to take your apology and then I will give you your phone and leave you alone," Jesus why can't he just leave me alone? Plus how would my apology help him. "Ok listen here Mister-I-want-an-apology. I mess with whoever I want to and you asked for it. I told you to leave me alone and you didn't. You were practically screaming and begging for me to give you that kick." I say.

I know it's probably not that smart to mess with this guy, but he is the one who keeps coming. Well I guess I have some guts. "Listen here, what you did made me look weak, and that's why I need a freaking apology!" He spat, no literally spat. "I am sorry you looked weak or whatever. But does it look like I care? No. So leave me alone! Or I swear to god my other actions can hurt more." I challenge him. "You are going to pay for what you did! Just wait and watch Miss-I-have-an-attitude. I swear I will make you regret every single breath you take! I. Will.Make-" I cut him "make my life living hell, blah blah blah, the regular old villain talk. Are you done?" I say looking at my nails and pretending to be bored. "Oh and by the way it's Amelia." I say before getting up and leaving.

Gosh, I left my lunch there. Great, I am probably going to starve to death. I sigh as I make my way to the lockers to get my books for my next class. I open my locker and take out my calculus book, as I close my locker door I find Lucas Murphy leaning on the locker next to my. Great in the last 4 years of my highschool life I didn't have to face any boys and now in just one days time during my senior year I have managed to get the Football captain pissed off and the Basketball captain by my locker. "Amelia, right?" Lucas asks me out of nowhere. "Uh, yes?" I say more like a question. "What you did today was quite impressive. He deserved it." He says with an impressed look. I scoff at him, "I did what I had to, someone would have gotten him in line some day, I just did the honours of being that person. Bye" I say turning around and not wanting to be part of this conversion. "Wait!" Lucas yells running after me. "Look, I know you're impressed yada yada. Whatever. But I have no interest in what you have to offer." I say. "How did you know I was going to offer something?" He asks. "It's pretty easy to guess Lucas. Why else would someone like you bother to speak to someone like me?" I say rolling my eyes. This is getting annoying. All I want to do is get to my calculus class for God's sake!

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