Bonus Chapter #4.5 (Part 1)

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Heyy! How r u y'all? Anyways here is a new bonus chapter, hope y'all like it! Make sure to vote and comment! 

(Also, I thought the pic above was adorable and went very well with the chapter... hehe (Sorry- I am just weird))


(Ethan's Point of View)

It's been three days since Amelia found out she was pregnant. Today we were going for an ultrasound, just to make sure she is actually pregnant and to also know how far along she is, if so.

I feel Amelia moving in my arms which causes me to frown. I then feel her get up and hear her rush into the bathroom.

I wake up and rub my eyes before getting out of bed myself and going into the bathroom, helping her by holding her hair back and rubbing her back while she puked. This is one of the most common ways I wake up these days. They say morning sickness is common during pregnancy, but it worries me nonetheless. I mean she barely can digest anything before it comes rushing back up.

"You okay?" I ask once she is done and she nods before getting up and walking to the sink, she washes her mouth before she starts brushing her teeth. "I love you," I mumble as I wrap my arms around her from behind her and kiss her shoulder. She smiles softly at me before brushing her teeth. After she is done I brush my teeth too and the entire time Amelia leans against me, clearly sleepy and tired.

After I was done brushing I looked down at Amelia who was yawning. "Come on, we have to get ready. We have an ultrasound appointment at 10," I say. "I am tired, you kept me up for way too long last night," She mumbled and I chuckled at her red face. "As far as I recall you didn't complain then," I tease and she hits my chest lightly.

"Ethan you better shut up or your sleeping on the couch tonight," she says threateningly and my eyes widen. "Sorry," I mumble and kiss her forehead. "Go take a shower," she says pushing me away slightly before walking out the bathroom.

Pregnancy sure has made her bossy, not that I am complaining; she looks quite hot when she is bossy.

I walked into our closet and took out my clothes to wear before going and taking a shower.

I put on my pants just as Amelia walks in. Her eyes instantly go to my chest and I smirk cockily.

"Like what you see?" I ask and her face becomes red as she removes her eyes from my eight pack- yes eight pack, all the practices have been paying of well and now my body is way more defined than it was back in high school.

"No actually. It's the same view I have been seeing for a long time. A little change would be nice," She teases and I scoff. "Really now?" I ask as I pull her to me and she smiles at me teasing. I put her hands on my pecs and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Mhm," She hums and I roll my eyes. "Aw, I was just teasing baby." She says as she hugs me placing her head on my chest. "You better be," I mumble as I hold her closer. "How are you feeling?" I ask softly, my hand on instinct going to her stomach and rubbing it, something I have been doing a lot ever since I got to know she is pregnant.

"I am feeling good. But very hungry." She says and her stomach grumbles just as she completes her sentence causing me to laugh. "Let's go feed you two," I say as we pull away and I place my lips on hers, kissing her softly before pulling away slightly breathless.

"Now let's go," I grin and intertwined her hands with mine. We walked downstairs and I started making her some cereal, I still wasn't exactly a great chef but hey! I was getting there. I placed a bowl of cereal and two toasts in front of her and she smiled at me before digging into her food.

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