Chapter 33

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I decided to post early as a few of you were very eager! So this chapter is short. I am sorry. I hope the next chapter can make up for it though. Anyway please enjoy and read. Make sure to vote and comment. Enjoy!


(Amelia's Point of View)


That's what I wanted to feel right now.

I wanted to be numb.

I have never been good with feelings, they are just too overwhelming for me and I usually was quite good at pressing them down and feeling nothing. But today that's not the deal, the more I try to press it down the more it comes up and drowns me. It's like all my emotions from the past 18 years (well almost 18) of my existence have just decided to show up and overwhelm me.

I was tired of feeling stuff... Both good and bad stuff.

The reason why I broke up with Ethan just a few hours ago was because I didn't want him to drown with me. Ethan has always been there for me. To comfort me when I cry, to tell me things are going to be fine when it's going bad. To hold me tight and just cuddle or hug me on days I needed the most. But I was scared... Scared that one day he will just realise that I am too much of an emotional baggage to handle. Scared that he will realize that he deserves a better relationship. God I was scared of so many things, I was a freaking coward.

For the past few days it was only Ethan who was putting effort into our relationship. From trying to talk to me, cuddling me at night, trying to get me to smile. It was becoming all... one sided effort. He was trying to keep us going.

I didn't want him to deal with that. He deserved so much more. He deserved a relationship where the other person can try to keep it going too. Where the other person can make him smile, where the other person was emotionally stable to acknowledge and appreciate his efforts.

Currently I wasn't stable enough to do all that. I was too much baggage for him. A baggage that he will be tired of holding after some point of time.

Right now while I am sitting on the floor against my door as I stare ahead at the wall, no tears come out of my eyes, no because I am drained but that doesnt mean I am not feeling something inside me. Because there are so many feelings swimming inside me, that I am drowning in my own body.

My window is open, my curtains moving with the breeze from outside, outside the open widow the sky is dark and a few stars are scattered along the sky with the moon sparkling in the centre. By the looks of it, it seems like it's time for dinner.

The cool breeze is filling in my room making it cold, yet I can't get my feet to stand up and close the window. Instead I clutch the blanket wrapped around me tighter.

A knock on the door breaks my stare from the wall. My body flinches a bit because of the sudden noise and I stumble a bit as I get up to open the door. I throw the blanket on my bed before opening the door and popping my head out.

There stands Lucas... Wait Lucas..? When did he come here? I stare at him in confusion and shock. My eyes widening at the sight of the bandages and bruises on his face. "Um Hi." He mumbles awkwardly. "Hi.." I say hesitantly. "Um Ethan told me to call you for dinner." He says looking down at his feet. "Right." I mumble.

He nodded and was about to walk away before I stopped him. "Wait... Lucas!" I say. He turns back and raises an eyebrow at me. "I don't mean to be rude... But why are you here? And why are you hurt so bad?" I ask.

He sighs and makes proper eye contact with me for the first time since he knocked on my door. "I have... issues in my house. Ethan was kind enough to let me stay the night. As for why I am hurt... Well sometimes things tend to mess up and get out of hand." He mumbles the last part.

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