Chapter 1

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I always believed in happy endings and the right one for you. My parents? Not so much. My parents were divorced. My dad left my mom right after he got to know she was pregnant. He said he was not ready. To be fair he was only 23.

My mom and dad were forced into marriage at the age of 20, they did fall in love, a lot in fact, until I came along. Mom never got to go to college. Dad had a successful company, he was practically a billionaire. He was well known around here, thanks to my grandfather. My dad never had to work hard for his success, it was all grandpa. He just inherited everything grandpa did.

Let me introduce myself. I am Amelia Mary Waston. I am 17 years old. I am like every other teenage girl. I love reading sappy love stories and watching chick-flicks. I have my own fantasies of getting my 'happy ending'. I live with my mom, who despises the name 'Love' and everything or anything about it. She despises me too. She could have left me on the streets if it was up to her, but her mom, also my grandma didn't let her. So even though I live with her, we pretend to not know each other and tend to ignore each other's presence.

My dad, well... he has another family. He has 2 boys and one pretty wife. He doesn't respect his family, that one thing is clear to everyone, but no one cares, the woman is just with him for the money. Anyone and everyone can tell they dont love each other. I don't even think he knows I exist. My grandma told me how he left mom because of me. How they fell in love even though their marriage was forced. How I ruined everything. So it's only fair if mom hates me, and I don't mind it.

I didn't get to know my dad well. I know him because of the magazines and newspapers. My mom hates it when anyone brings up dad's name, but it's hard not to, cause he is the Great Jackson Grey Henderson. Yes, you got it right, my last name is not my dad's. It's my mom's. My mom despises the name 'Henderson'. You might have noticed she despises things a lot, well that's just her. She hates life and Life hates her, well that's what she says.

"Amelia, sweetie come down for dinner!" My grandma yells. I stop reading the new romance novel that I had purchased just a few days ago and place it on my bed and go downstairs. The stairs make this squeaky noise as I go down.

Our house is pretty old, we are not too rich so we never tend to renovate it, unlike my dad we are a middle class family. Getting money is hard in this house, my mom never did college so she can't really get a well paying job, plus she has her own sorrows to deal with, so she stays in her room and only comes out occasionally. Our house works on the little bookstore my grandma owns. I work shifts occasionally, like when I don't have school or homework.

I go to the dining room, there is a mahogany rectangle table right in the middle with food on it. Four chairs in total sit by the side, two on the right, two on the left. Even though we have four chairs only three are used. My grandpa used to use the extra one, until 4 years ago when he passed away due to a heart attack. My grandma was heartbroken. Their love story was the one that makes me believe in love. You see they were high school sweethearts.

"Amelia, are you just gonna stand there or join us?" My grandma questions. I break out of my thoughts and go take a seat right next to her. My mom sits on the other side, avoiding as much eye contact as she can. As I begin to serve myself my mom talks, surprising may I add. She never speaks, especially not around me. "Mother, I think you should tell Amelia now." is what she says. Tell me what? I look towards my grandma with a raised eyebrow. "Claire, are you sure you want to do this?" My grandma questions ignoring me. "Mother she is old enough to take the news, how long can we hide it for? Don't you think it's been too long? I mean you have been hiding it for 2 years and now when the doctor has finally said that you just have a few months left, don't you think it's time to tell her? She has been depending on you too much, it's time she acts like a responsible girl. The sooner you tell her the better" and with that my mom leaves the table.

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