Bonus Chapter #1

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Here is the first bonus chapter y'all. Not great and is just more of a filler of their life. Anyway, I hope you like it. Next bonus chapter will be better and will be out soon. Love y'all and thank you for 10 k!

(Amelia's Point of View)

"That was the last box." Ethan huffed, placing his hands on his hip as the both of us scanned around our apartment that was filled with boxes. That's right, our apartment. "Are you sure? I think one box is missing." I say as I walk over the boxes and look around the place for one of my boxes. "I think it's in our room." He says.

I nod, before walking into our room. Our room was worse than the living room, boxes, clothes, plastic bags everything was scattered around. "Amelia! The kitchen boxes aren't in the kitchen, can you check if they got mixed with the boxes in the room?" I hear Ethan ask. "Sure!" I say and then start looking at the box labels looking for the kitchen boxes.

It's been a little more than a month since our highschool graduation. Ethan and I talked about getting an apartment together, since none of us really wanted to live in the dorms. We luckily found a low rent two bedroom apartment which had a balcony in the main bedroom, a fair sized living room, a perfect size kitchen and two bathrooms. Now if it's just the two of us why are there two rooms you may ask? Well we kept it just in case Chase and Andrew decide to move in with us later or if at anytimes they need a place to stay, so technically that was a guest bedroom.

Chase and Andrew chose to live in the dorms instead of getting their own place, and surprisingly they are each other's roommate.

Just then I hear a crash from the living room and my eyes widen. "Um Baby, I think we might have a... problem in the kitchen!" I hear Etahn call out. I sigh and shake my head before walking to the kitchen.

I see all our new utensils now scattered on the floor and a box that is torn from below in Ethan's hand. He looks at me nervously before giving me a smile that says 'Oopsies'. I shake my head at him and sigh.


"Well shit. This looks good." I hear Ethan whistle as we look around our place. After working for five hours straight we have unpacked most of the boxes and have arranged most of our things. "I know right." I grin before falling on the sofa dramatically. "Someone's tired." Ethan chuckles before hovering over me on the sofa. His legs go in between mine and his elbows support his weight either side of me.

"Mhm." I hum and loosely wrap my arms around his neck. "Look at us. Starting college and living together." He whispers as he looks at me. "Well technically I lived with you before." I point out. "I know. But this is different. This is our place" He mumbles, his lips brushing against mine.

"I know." I say happily before leaning up and kissing him. "College starts in a week." He says once we pull back. "It does." I nod. "What do you think about exploring the city with Chase and Andrew?" He asks. "That would be fun." I grin and he smiles at me.

Just then the door bursts open and Ethan groans before placing his head on my shoulder, knowing very well who it is. "We forgot to lock the door." He mumbled. "Did anyone call us?" Chase asks as he walks into the living room. "No matter of fact we didn't. You can go now." Ethan says as he places small kisses on my neck, not even sparing a glance to the both of them.

"God, can you guys like stop touching each other for once?" Andrew asks, taking a seat on the couch opposite us. "I am afraid not." Ethan mumbles as he stops placing kisses on my neck only to breath in my scent,

"You guys are so adorable that sometimes it makes me wanna puke." Chase fake gags as he takes a seat next to Andrew. I giggle and Ethan chuckles in my neck, his warm breath hitting my neck and tickling me.

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