Chapter 19

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I know this chapter is not great. But I wrote this in a hurry. Hope you enjoy reading!


(Amelia's Point of View)

It had been a week since me and Ethan had been dating. Ethan had been the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ask for.

I also realised I would never be able to sleep without him and sneak into his room in the middle of the night only to find him awake just like me. He says it's because I am not there with him. But once both of us are secure in each other's arms we fall fast asleep.

Ethan would also drop me to all my classes and would tend to surprise me at my locker a ton of times.

The rumors had started to stop around school and everyone was starting to accept the fact that we were dating.

Lucas and Ethan didn't have a fight after the last one. Mainly because Ethan didn't want to be suspended from any other games. But that didn't stop them from glaring at each other.

Ethan had been very clingy, but I found it cute.

Whenever we kiss, which is a lot, Chase or Andrew would intend to interrupt which would always lead to Madison scolding them for interpreting our precious moment. Andrew and Chase had given us the PDA couple title, but Ethan didn't care one bit, and I was also fine with it now, sure I was uncomfortable at first but now I don't really care. I mean people must have better work then to just stare at us while we were kissing.

Now that I think about it, Andrew and Chase have never kissed in front of us. Andrew said it's because they don't want to show their affection to the entire world and because they are not comfortable with it.

Well, I guess they are different from Ethan and I.

I was currently getting ready for Ethan's important game. I was again wearing his jersey with a pair of jeans, because it was cold. Christmas was like a month or so away so you could expect snow soon.

I was putting on some lipgloss when Ethan came into my room. "You ready?" He asks as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Yep. Just give me one second." I say as I start to put my lipgloss lid back on. "You know there is no use in putting that lipgloss, I will eat it off anyway." He smirks.

Oh did I mention Ethan has this thing of eating my lipgloss off when we are kissing. He says he likes the taste. I mean I can't blame him, it does taste good. It's strawberry and cherry flavored. But it gets annoying and now I have to carry my lipgloss everyone because he keeps eating it off.

"I won't let you kiss me." I shrug as I put the lipgloss in the small sling bag I am carrying. "Oh you and I both know I won't let that happen." He says as he starts to kiss my jaw.

He turns me around so that I am facing him and places his lips on mine.

He starts moving his lips against mine and I respond back immediately. I put my hands in his hair and tug on it, which causes him to moan. He licks my bottom lip and I know my lipgloss is long gone by now, but I couldn't care less at the moment. I open my mouth giving him access as he slips his tongue into my mouth, exploring every single corner of it. Both our tongues dance together and he tightens his grip on my waist lowers down to my butt as he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist for support.

I pull away after a few seconds due to the lack of oxygen. I untangle one of my hands from his hair and put them on my lips to feel my lipgloss, but I find none. "Ethan." I whine. He licks his lips, probably to taste the lip gloss that is now on his lips instead of mine and pecks me once more before putting me down.

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