Character Interview (Part two)

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What do you feel about Amelia? 

Jullie's Response: Amelia is a kind-hearted and sweet girl. She is like a daughter to me, and she changes and brings a bright side out of Ethan. I appreciate how down to earth she is. She may not realize this but her smile is so precious that it lights up a room. Amelia helps and makes people love her without knowing it and she is such a strong woman. 

How are you and David so cool?

Jullie's Response: I have been asked this many time, we are so cool because we trust our kids. We trust our upbringing and parenting. I am going, to be honest, being a parent is hard. I had Ethan when I was in college and it was hard taking care of him and studying at the same time. Being a parent is a huge responsibility and also a blessing which I am glad to have. We are also so close because once we were like them and we know how it is and I just want them to have a good experience in their life and be able to share stuff with us.


Why do you think Amelia is good for Ethan?

David's response: Amelia is good for Ethan in many ways. After Amelia came into our lives Ethan changed. He always kept this hard exterior because he wanted to be like his grandpa. But after Amelia, he seemed to show more emotions. I think Amelia helped him love and show him how it feels like to be loved and I am glad she did. Ethan became more... happy and carefree with her and I like this side of him. 

How is the best way you would describe Ethan?

David's response: I think the best way to describe Ethan is determined. He always has this passion for what he does. No matter what it is.  It makes me proud to see the determination and passion in his eyes because it reminds me so much of Jullie. Both mother and son are determined people and its one of my favourite traits in them


How did you meet Amelia's grandma?

Mary's response: We met back in junior year of high school. She was a new student and she happened to sit next to me in most classes. We then talked and hung out and after a year became best friends. 


How do you feel about Ethan, cause I don't see you playing overprotective dad?

Jackson's Response: I know Ethan is good for Amelia. The way he looks at her, talks to her, smiles at her. I know he is a good guy and has no intention of hurting her. I also talked to him about how he feels about Amelia and by the way he talked about her and his feelings, I have a feeling they are going to get married one day.

How did you find out when Amelia was born? How did you react?

Jackson's Response: Claire's mother contacted me. She told me I was a father to a little angle and I was so so happy. Amelia was probably a months old at the time when I figured it out and I tried visiting her but Claire kept pushing me away.

How did you feel when Claire kept Amelia away from you?

Jackson's Response: I was hurt, but I understood. She thought that maybe I was trying to take her daughter away, but I wasn't. I completely understood her actions and respected them.


Do you like Amelia?

Leslie's Response: Of course, Amelia is just like a daughter to me and I love her. She is a very humble and sweet person and is loveable easily. 

How was your reaction to knowing Jackson had a daughter? Did you know, or where you kept in the dark for a few years?

Leslie's Response: When I told Jackson I was pregnant after our one-night stand he admitted how his ex-wife was pregnant with his child. He claimed how he didn't intend for this to happen and wants to be there for both the kids. Jackson and I didn't intend on getting married. But we fell in love all over again when Daniel turned one. Jackson never hid anything, he told me when he figured out he had a daughter and he never kept me in the dark when he knew I deserved to know.


Why did you keep Jackson and Amelia away from each other?

Claire's Response: I was scared and hurt. I was scared he would take her away because at the time Amelia was probably one of the only good things in my life and I wasn't ready to lose her. I was hurt because I felt rejected and used, for some reason. 

Do you think if you let Jackson in Amelia's life before things would have been different?

Claire's Response: Of course they would have been different. Amelia would have had a fatherly figure. She would have someone to support her and love and encourage her. Her life would have been way more simple and happier if I let Jackson in before.


Tell me about yourself cuz I don't know much...

Daniel's Response: Well there is nothing about me really. I like playing video games, I cant study for shit, I am kinda the popular type at my school and I am very very good looking *winks*. Also, I am a ladies man, as some call me and I want to help my dad with his company after I graduate college. 

Do you like Amelia?

Daniel's Response: Of course I do, she is like a sister to me and in the few months that I have known her I have become close to her and she is family now.

Tell us about your love life.

Daniel's Response: Well I have a one-year long girlfriend named Dasiy. She is sweet and kind and is very smart unlike me. We met almost two years ago when I bumped into her. I love her very much and I plan on keeping her forever. 

How did you react when you got to know you had a sister?

Daniel's Response: Well... I was feeling a bit of betrayal at first... But after I met Amelia and got to know her I realized she was actually a nice person and now all is good.


I want to know about you as well Josh!

Josh's Response: Well, first off I am ADORABLE. And girls love me *winks playfully*. I like reading and art. Even though I am just 11 I know I am going to pursue art in the future. I also like playing video games with Daniel and I beat his ass every single time! 

How was your reaction to meeting Amelia? And how did you react when you were told she was your sister?

Josh's Response: Well, at first I was angry too just like Daniel. We had no idea our dad had been in a marriage before mom. When dad and mom told us that dad has a daughter from his marriage before I was scared she would take dad away from us and I didn't like that. It had been just the four of us for so long adding another family member felt weird. But when we met her she was the most awesome and humble person I had met. She is like a sister to me and I honestly look forward to the dinners we have every week.


Well, guys, this is the end of the character interview. Thank you all for submitting your questions! Make sure to vote and comment!!

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