Chapter 39

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(Ethan's Point of View)

My eyes open on their own the next morning. I squint my eyes trying to get used to the brightness that is coming through the windows.

We forgot to close the curtains. Again.

I look down at the sleeping figure in my arms and a smile makes it way onto my face. Her face is tucked in my chest and I can feel her small even breaths hitting my bare chest as she breathes. Her hands are tucked under her head and her elbows slightly touch me. Her hair is slightly covering her face, and her legs curled up and almost on top of mine.

She is wearing my shirt that is practically drowning her and her lips are slightly parted and touching my chest. I remove one of my hands that is wrapped around her waist and gently tuck the strands of hair that are covering her face behind her ear, so that I can see her face properly.

A smile makes its way on my face as I see her peaceful face. I lean forward and kiss her forehead gently. My eyes darted down to her hand where the ring, I gave her last night, lies. I pick up that hand gently and kiss the ring.

Her eyes start to open and she blinks a few times before she looks at me. A smile makes its way onto her face when she sees me. "Hi." I whisper in a deep voice as I peck her forehead.

"Hi." She smiles. She sits up and rubs her eyes, my arms drop to my side and I yawn before sitting up and stretching my back muscles a bit.

We both get up and get ready. I insisted taking a shower together, but Lia blushed and said 'no' before rushing off to the shower.

We then spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies as it was a weekend, and we even went for a ride in her new car.


(2 months later)

(Amelia's Point of View)

It's been two months since my birthday and everything has been great. I got my drivers license just about two weeks ago and I have had a bunch of family dinners with my father and his family, some with Ethan some without him. My father and I are more close, and Josh and Daniel are almost like real siblings to me.

I took Ethan to one of the family dinners just last week and he pecked me on the lips in front of my dad and Daniel and then the three of them had some talk in my dad's study and Ethan seemed pretty shaken after it. I also have gotten closer to Leslie, she is an amazing woman and a great mom and wife. And god her cooking is great.

I put my car keys on the console table and hop into the living room. "That was the fifth time we went out for a drive today." Ethan mumbled. Let's just say after I got my license I have a sudden urge to drive anywhere at random times.

"Oh come on it was fun!" I argue as I look back at him. "Lia, we went through a McDonalds drive thru three times! The people thought we were crazy!" He says. I just shrug and jump onto the couch next to Adrian.

"Oh and Lucas and the boys are coming over." Ethan says. Did I mention Lucas and Ethan have started getting closer? Just a week after my birthday he started sitting with us at lunch and now Lucas, Chase, Andrew and Ethan hang out most of the time. I also have a feeling that Lucas and Madison have a thing for each other. Madison blushes like crazy around Lucas and Lucas is way more flirty around her.

"Okay!" I call out. Just as Adrian and I choose a movie to watch, the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." I say as I pause the movie and walk towards the door.

I open the door and look at Andrew, Chase, Lucas and Madison. Wait Madison? "Hey, Madison was over at mine and then Ethan called us over, so I thought I would bring her with me." Lucas says as he enters the house.

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