Chapter 38

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Hey guys! Here is chapter 38! Hope you enjoy it. Anyway make sure to vote, comment and maybe follow. It's up to you. :>

(Amelia above ^^)


(Amelia's Point of View)

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I hear multiple voices exclaim together as the light turns on. My head whips in the direction of the voices and the scene in front of me has me biting my lip to control my laughter.

Andrew and Chase stand by the stairs, the frosting of cake smeared all over their shirts, Adrian stands next to them with a balloon in his mouth as he blows it. Madison and Mary are standing in the living room with a ruined cake in their hands. Jullie, David and my dad are standing holding an almost torn happy birthday sign in their hands. The entire house is a mess with confetti and decoration scattered everywhere. There is a table in the corner with food and gifts on it and it seems to be the only thing neat in the room.

I turn towards Ethan who has a look of horror on his face, his grin now in a frown. "What the hell happened?" He asks as he looks at everyone. No one says anything, avoiding as much eye contact from Ethan as they can. "God, I arranged everything before going to pick her up! How the hell did this happen in like half an hour?!" Ethan says.

Finally Andrew speaks, "Um so you remember how all of us had a confetti fight when you were on the phone with Amelia?" "Yes, and I also remember vacuuming all the confetti you guys messed up." Ethan says.

"Well um after you left.... Adrian found another pack of confetti in the storage room. Before we could stop him he burst it open and started throwing it around everywhere. Then he found silly string in one of the cabinets and before he could do anything we ran around trying to catch him and get the bottle out of his hand. Chase and I caught Adrian but he kept moving around and then we fell down, hitting the table and the cake smashed onto us, which explains the frosting on our shirts and the... ruined cake. Then as we were getting up, Chase's leg pulled on the string holding the happy birthday sign up and he tripped again and somehow the sign tore.... And then you left us with blowing the balloons and we couldn't really do it in time... because of the whole mess." Andrew explains as he avoids any possible eye contact with Ethan.

I hear Ethan groan from beside me and I burst out laughing just when the happy birthday sign tears up completely. "Great. Just great." I hear Ethan mumble. I am laughing so hard right now I am sure my face is red.

Ethan looks at me with a 'really' look and I just shrug still laughing. I stop laughing once I see his reaction and look at him. "It's fine. I am happy you did something, actually more than happy. It doesn't matter that it's all ruined, your effort is all that matters. I actually thought you forgot my birthday... But you didn't and planned something and I am so happy you did." I say as I give him a small smile.

"Thank you... But it's just that I planned so much... And now it's... ruined. I wanted you to have the best birthday possible." He sighs as he wraps his arms around me. "I am having one right now." I smile at him. "Really?" He asks. I nod and smile. He grins down at me before placing his lips on mine.

We kiss without a care in the world until multiple throats clear awkwardly. I pull away with a blush realizing that all our family members are right here. "Sorry." I mumble. "It's fine. But honestly I am so sorry that these boys ruined the whole thing. Ethan planned it so nicely." Jullie smiles.

"Favouritism." Adrian coughed. "Oh hush. Both of you boys are my favourite." Jullie says as she looks at Adrian.

Ethan and I walked into the house closing the door behind us. "Happy birthday." Jullie says and walks towards me before hugging me. "Thank you." I smile as I hug her back.

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