Chapter 25

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(Ethan's Point of View)

My dad stops in front of some fancy looking restaurant. The moment our car stops, a guy from the valet comes rushing to my dad's side of the car. My dad steps out and hands the guy his keys, as we all start exiting the car.

The car zooms off in the distance and I stare at the restaurant in front of me. It's the typical expensive restaurant with big chandeliers and a bunch of waiters in their uniforms which are in the colour scheme of gold and white to give an elegant look. I see people sitting on the round tables from the window on the right. Most people are in formal or expensive wear.

We all walk towards the entrance where a man stands behind a table. "Hello! How may I help you today?" He asks in an overly cheerful voice. "Hi! We have a reservation under the name of Dr. Mark Adams?" My dad says as he looks at the man. "Let me check... Ah there it is, come on in." The man says with a bright smile as he opens the door for us.

We all walk in and I look towards Lia who is biting her lip, her nervousness clearly written on her face. I slowly make my way towards her and intertwine our hands and give her hand a reassuring squeeze without looking at her.

The same guy from the entrance leads my dad towards a table in the corner. We approach the table and I see three people already sitting there. I guess this is Dr. Mark Adams' table.

As if they sense our arrival all of them stand. A petite woman with blonde hair and who I believe is the same age as my mom smiles towards us and goes to hug my mom. A guy with brown hair and glasses, who I believe is Dr. Adams, walks towards my dad. "It's nice of you to join us, Dr. Turner. It's a pleasure meeting you and your family" He smiles as he shakes hands with my dad.

Behind Dr. Adams stands a boy with the same hair colour as Mrs. Adams, he looks around my age and is wearing a suit which looks way more expensive than the one I am wearing or my dad for a matter of fact.

Don't get me wrong, I am not poor or anything. Both my parents have high paying jobs, but my parents like to keep me more down to earth. We could live in a mansion with 10 sports cars if we wanted to. But we prefer living in a more subtle and homely lifestyle. My parents never spoiled us growing up, we never got anything unnecessary. We always preferred saving the money for more important needs or better uses other than a rich lifestyle. That is one thing I respect my parents for, they never spoiled me or Adrian and we are very comfortable with our lifestyle right now, I don't think I would ever be able to live a typical rich lifestyle.

"The pleasure is all mine Dr. Adams." My dad says with a professional smile as they continue to shake hands.

"Ah, who might this young man be." Dr. Adams says as he looks at Adrian who is hiding behind my dad, his head popping from the side.

Adrian is a shy kid, he is always quiet when you meet him at first, but once he gets to know you better and feels comfortable around you he won't stop talking. I was surprised that Adrian was the one to approach Amelia first, because it was very unlikely coming from him.

My dad chuckles as he brings Adrian forward. "This is my younger son Adrian. Adrian this is Dr. Admas," He says as he looks down at Adrian.

"Well nice to meet you Adrian." Dr. Adams smiles as he bends down a bit and brings his hand out for him to shake. "Nice to meet you too." Adrian says shyly as he shakes Dr. Adams hand.

I turn my head towards the guy, who I guess is Dr. Adams' son, only to find him looking at someone with hungry eyes behind me. I turn back and see Amelia standing there, both our hands still intertwined. She is looking down at her shoes, obviously feeling uncomfortable. I turn back back to the guy and glare at him, but he seems too busy checking out my girlfriend to notice my glare.

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