Chapter 13

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(Amelia's Point of View)

Flashback of Chuck asking Amelia out:

I was at my locker taking my books out for the next class. "Hey." A voice says from beside me. I turn around and face the person. There stands a guy with a nervous look on his face and a weird look in his eyes. "Hi.." I say awkwardly. "Uh I am Chuck. I am in your Physics class." He says. "Oh hi. I am Amelia. But I am sure you know that." I say with an awkward laugh. "Yep. Anyway, I was hoping that you would go to the Halloween dance with me? I mean it's fine if you say no." He rambles. Aw, how cute. The guy was nervous. I mean it wouldn't hurt to go to the dance with him. I didn't have a date anyway. Plus Chase and Andrew were going together and Ethan was gonna ask Madison soon. I was hoping deep down that Ethan would ask me, but I knew he wouldn't. It was time I accepted that he has feelings for someone else and be a good friend and help him ask her out, even though it hurts me. "Sure!" I say with a smile on my face. "Great! Well can I have your number?" He asks. "Yep. Here." I say as I write my number on a random piece of paper. I give it to him with a smile. "Well see you around." He says. "Yeah." I say and widen my smile. He smiles back and nods before walking away.

End of Flashback.

Ethan had been acting very weird since my encounter with Chuck. I was at the lunch table all alone and Ethan and the guys were yet to come. "Hey." I hear a voice say. I look up from my food and see Madison looking at me with a small smile on her face. "Hi!" I say. "Can I sit with you?" She asks me. "Yeah sure." I tell her. She takes the seat beside me which is usually Ethan's seat.

Just when she is about to say something, a voice, wait let me correct that, a very angry and frustrated voice says, "Why is she in my seat?" It was super clear the guy was pissed off. I turn back and face him. "Well you were late. Plus you can sit on the other side." I tell him. "No. That is my seat." He growled. Geez, that's not a way he should talk to his crush. If he wants her to like him he better be kind. "Oh. I am so sorry I didn't know this was your seat." Madison says as she gets up and takes the other seat next to me. Ethan doesn't even spare her a glance as he sits next to me and literally tosses his tray on the table. Andrew and Chase snicker as they sit on their seats. "What's up with you?" I ask Ethan. "Nothing." He grumbles. I raise an eyebrow at him and sigh. Fine if he doesn't want to tell me then I am fine with it. I start talking to Madison about some random stuff and I feel him glaring at me the entire time. "I know right! We should hangout after school today!" Madison suggests. Just as I am about to respond I feel Ethan tug on me and I turn to him in confusion. He pats his lap as if signalling me to sit there. I furrow my eyebrows, why does he want me to sit on his lap? I know he is clingy sometimes, but this is very unlikely of him. Is he trying to make Madison jealous or something? "Come." He says. I sigh and make my way onto his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. I know this is pretty awkward for the people around us. "I am sorry." He says. "For what?" I ask. "For being an asshole and jerk." He says. "It's alright." I say with a smile. He leans forward and kisses me on the corner of my mouth, which makes my body tense. 

Before I can say something Andrew clears his throat awkwardly. My face became bright red as I got off Ethan and sit on my seat. "Are you sure you guys are not dating?" Madison whispers in my ear. "Yes I am sure. And I would love to hangout with you today." I whispered back. I could feel Ethan's burning stare at me, but I was still too dazed about what had happened. I mean kisses were common between us, but they were on the cheek or forehead not the corner of our mouths.


Me and Madison were at my house, hanging out like we had planned before. Ethan got very grumpy for some reason when Madison came. You see before Madison came, me and Ethan were on the couch cuddled up and watching a movie. "So you have a date to the Halloween Dance?" Madison asks me. "Yeah." I tell her. "Ooh Ethan finally asked you?" She says with a small smile. Wait Ethan? "Uh no... A guy named Chuck did." I tell her. Why would Ethan ask me? He had made it quite clear he liked Madison. "I have a few guys who asked me... I am not sure who to choose." Madison says. "You should probably decide soon. The dance is in a few days." I tell her. I wonder when Ethan will ask her out? "Yeah. How about we go shopping for a halloween costume?" Madison asks me. "Yeah sure. We could get Ethan to drive us there." I say with a cheeky smile.

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