Chapter 43

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I made the poster above.... How is it?? (P.S: I have currently been obsessed to making posters and stuff like that online. Lol.) 

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!

(Amelia's Point of View)

I wake to my head pounding and a weird feeling in my gut. I open my eyes only to close them again due to the bright light. I groan and manage to put one hand on my heavy head.

Why does it feel like an elephant stomped on my head?

I then feel something rise up my throat and my eyes widen, only to close immediately. I get up, ignoring how hard my head is pounding and how my eyes are stinging, and push Ethan's arms off of me as I rush into the bathroom.

I bend down and vomit, god knows what. I hold my hair back with one hand, while the other is on the wall for support. I feel a hand take a hold of my hair and I let go of it letting him hold it instead as I puke my guts out.

After a few minutes I am done and I'm breathing heavily. I look down at the toilet and scrunch up my face. Gross.

I flush the toilet and make my way towards the sink where I brush my teeth to get the gross taste out my mouth. After I am done I tie my hair up in a messy ponytail and turn towards Ethan.

"You okay?" He yells. I feel pain shoot up to my head and I cover my ears. "Stop yelling." I whisper. "Baby, I am whispering." He yells yet again. "No you're not." I mumble, closing my eyes. I see him sigh before lightly grabbing my arm and pulling me out the bathroom.

He makes me sit on the bed gently before kneeling down in front of me and getting a glass of water and two tablets off the nightstand and bringing it in front of me. "This will help reduce your hangover." He says gently. I nod and smile gratefully at him before swallowing the pills and drinking the water.

I close my eyes and lie down. "What the hell happened?" I mumble. "Well what was the last thing you remember?" He asks and I feel him lie down next to me. "You going off with your teammates." I mumble as I open my eyes and look at him.

"Well, you drank the spiked punch, got drunk, jumped in the pool with your clothes on and said some random things. Oh also, you were very giggly." He nods as he smirks.

"God. How the hell didn't I notice the punch was spiked." I mumble. "I am so stupid." I add. "Glad you realized darling." He says as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him.

"Shut up!" I grumble as I lightly hit his chest.

He just chuckles and pulls me closer, cuddling into me.


"I need to talk to you." I say the moment I spot Lucas on Monday morning.

"What?" He asks.

Lucas has been avoiding Madison, which means he hasn't been sitting at the lunch table with us nor has he hung out with us. Madison is all depressed and I can't see her like that nor can I hear her rant about how Lucas is a jerk for another whole hour.

"I need to talk to you. Now." I say and pull his arm and drag him into the janitor's closet. People give us looks as I close the door but I ignore them. Once I lock the door I turn to him and cross my arms over my chest.

"Why have you been avoiding Madison?" I ask, getting straight to the point. "What? No I haven't!" He lies and chuckles awkwardly. "Really? Then why didn't you sit with us during lunch or hang out with us on Sunday?" I ask. "Um... I had things to do?" He says.

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