Chapter 15

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This chapter took me a hell lot of time to write. Hope you guys like it. 

Before you read just know that I am no expert in medical stuff so a few things regarding Amelia's situation may seem unrealistic or may not make sense. 

Anyways I hope y'all enjoy the chapter and don't forget to comment and vote (it will make my day! :>) 


(Ethan's Point of View)

I wake up the next morning to the sun shining bright. I open my eyes and try to adjust to the brightness. "Morning." A voice says from beside me. Wait, is that Amelia? I squint my eyes and try to get a clear view. I see a nurse standing next to Amelia's bed. "Oh.. It's you." I mumble disappointedly. I actually thought Amelia woke up. "Your girlfriend is doing good. The medicines are working on her. At this rate we can expect her to wake up very soon." She says. "S-she is not my girlfriend. Well not yet." I mumble the last part. "It's very clear you love her. I mean you slept on a chair the entire night holding her hand. You were very concerned for her too. I say you confess before it gets too late." She smiles.

What if it is too late?

I shake my head at that thought. It's not too late I will confess as soon as possible and by that I mean when she wakes up.

"I will leave you two now." She says as she leaves. After she leaves I look at Amelia. She looks so oddly peaceful. Her hair is tucked neatly beneath her bandage. Her chest goes up and down as she breathes from her oxygen mask. Her hands are on her sides with a few tubes attached to it. The only thing missing is her beautiful grayish-bluish eyes. The eyes I love, the eyes that send this weird feeling in my stomach whenever I look at them. The eyes that hold all her innocence and purity.

I sigh to myself as I make my grip a bit more tight on her hand. "Amelia... God, Please wake up soon. It's hell without you here. Without you everything is... dark and dreadful. I don't even know what I am saying. I just miss you laughing and smiling. I miss the way you would comment on how hot the men in movies are every Friday. I know I used to say it's annoying, but the truth is I was a jealous asshole and that used to make me feel insecure. I promise you that when you wake up we can buy as many books you want, watch as many movies you want, eat as many chocolates you want and we can sit on the couch and cuddle while you fall asleep halfway through the movie." I smile at all the memories that come rushing to my head as I say each word.

I bring her knuckles up to my lips and place a small kiss on it. For the next few minutes I just sit there and stare at her face. I am broken away from my trance by the sound of my stomach growling. "You should go down to eat." I hear my Dad say from behind me. "No, I want to stay here. What if she wakes up or something?" I say without looking back. "I understand what you're feeling. There was a time, well still is the time I feel the same." He sighs as she sits next to me.

"You know in highschool, I was crazy behind your mother. I had this massive crush on her but never had the guts to admit it. We were in two different social groups. Your mom was pretty and popular and I was the nerd and unpopular kid. Every guy was crazy behind your mother. So to her I was just any guy. Then came the time we got paired up for a school assignment. Even though your mom may have been popular her grades meant a lot to her, so she used to study hard. While doing the assignment we became friends, and I started to fall in love with her. I didn't know at first what was up with my feelings, so I talked to your grandma and she helped me understand I was in love with her. Of course I didn't believe her at first but soon I realised. We remained friends for quite a bit, until I confessed. When I confessed I was a nervous wreck, scared that she might not feel the same. But when I confessed she told me she felt the same way and now here we are." He smiles at every word he says.

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