Chapter 16

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(Amelia's Point of View)

"I love you. I love you Amelia." His last words leave me at shock.

Never in the world did I imagine someone like Ethan Turner to fall in love with me.

Do I love him? I don't know yet... I need some time to sort my feelings out. I know for sure that I like him, but love is a big commitment and I don't know if I am ready for it.

I look at Ethan and see that he has this nervous look in his eyes. Oh right, I am supposed to respond right now.

"Ethan... I like you, a lot. But I don't know about love... You know how love is this huge commitment and I want to be ready for it. I need some time to figure my feelings out. I like you so much and I can assure you of that." I say as I look up at him.

I see him grin and pull me closer. "That's all I need to know. And as for the love thing, you can take as much time as you want. I just wanted you to know about my feelings. I am happy to know you feel something towards me too." He says as he brings one of his hands to my upper lip and starts caressing it. He slowly starts to lean in and his hot breath fans my face. I close my eyes as I start to lean in as well.

Oh my god! I am going to have my first kiss.

Wait I have been unconscious for a day or so, what if my breath stinks?

How do you kiss?

All these thoughts run inside my head but are forgotten once I feel a pair of warm lips on mine. He starts moving his lips on mine as one of his hands caress my check while the other is wrapped safely around my waist. It takes me a second to respond because of all the feelings that are rushing through me right now. I don't even know how to kiss yet I am doing it right now. He licks my lower lip asking me for access but before I could do anything the door bursts open and we both practically jump and pull away from each other.

"Oh my god!" I hear Madison squeal. I hear Ethan groan in annoyance as he puts his head on my shoulder, I giggle in response and rub his back. "You just had to walk in didn't you?" Ethan mumbles. "Oh I am sorry. It's just that you guys were taking so long and I was getting too eager to know if you chickened out so I walked in... But I guess you guys made up pretty well." She smirks. "Shut up." I mumble as I look down to cover the blush forming on my cheeks. "Oh god I have to start planning baby names!" Madison squeals as she jumps up and down. "Woah, slow your roll. I don't need a mom 2.0." Ethan says with wide eyes. "Whatever." She says as she walks over to me.

"Now Ethan get your ass up and get lost. We need to have our girl talk." Madison says. "I don't care, I am not leaving." He declares as he snuggles his face into the crook of my neck. "God you're so clingy." Madison groans. "Shut up. She doesn't seem to be having a problem with it then why are you?" Ethan says, not even bothering to look up at Madison.

"You know your romantic love story is a little too cliche. I mean you kicked the guy and he somehow got caught in some under spell cast by you and now here you are." She says as she takes a seat.

"I must say that kick was the one that intrigued me." Ethan laughs.

I turn towards Ethan with a glare, "Well you asked for it." I say and see Ethan glup.

What? I can be scary if I want to.

"What the hell is taking so long?" Andrew says as he comes in. "You won't believe it. They kissed!" Madison squealed. "What! Chase get your ass in here!" Andrew yells as he comes towards us. "You guys finally confessed?" Andrew asks. I give him a small nod as I look back up at Ethan. Ethan smiles and gives me a small peck on my lips. "OH MY GOD! DID YOU GUYS KISS?" Chase's voice yells. "God yes we did! Now can all of you fucking idiots shut up!" Ethan yells annoyed.

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