Chapter 28

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So.. I published this chapter cause one of my many cousins threaten to kill me if I didn't do so. Hope I can live for another few days, thank you very much. Don't forget to vote and comment (It will make my day if you do so!) :P


(Ethan's Point of View)

I look at Amelia with a look of disappointment and regret in my eyes. She stares back at me, but her eyes don't give away any emotion, they are just grayish-blue, but not like how it always is, no they don't have the shine they usually have, the shine of her eyes that made her eyes different from everyones. Right now her eyes are just plain and blank.

Was she cheating on me? Who sent her that message this morning? Was she really going to meet whoever this is?

Even if she was cheating on me I had no rights to say what I had said this morning. I said it out of anger and I immediately regretted saying it once it left my mouth. I was a fucking idiot to say something like that. I know she doesn't want to be like her mom, I know it's one of her fears and I used it against her.

Amelia breaks eye contact with me and turns her back and starts to make her way out of school, probably to the Starbucks behind school. "Dude you coming?" I hear Andrew say from beside me. I reluctantly remove my eyes from Amelia's figure which is walking away and look at him.

"Y-Yeah." I say in a shaky voice. I clear my throat and repeat myself again, only this time my voice has no emotion in it. "Yeah." I give him a tight lipped smile and walk towards the field. I see Andrew and Chase share a look from the corner of my eyes but I ignore it.

Throughout the day both of them saw how I was controlling myself from beating the shit out of something. I know I have anger issues, but today not only was I angry at Amelia but I was angry at myself since I had no right to be angry at her and say all those things. When Valentina sat on my lap during lunch I swear I was gonna lose it and may have punched her or something. But I controlled myself, my mom has taught me to never raise a hand on women no matter how bitchy they are.

I enter the field where our coach is standing with his arms crossed and a furious look on his face. Coach has been pissed off from the past few days since he and his wife got into a fight and from what I have heard he has been sleeping on the coach. Him being whipped for his wife doesn't help his situation one bit. Just like you are whipped for Amelia. I shook my head at that thought and went and stood right in front of coach.

"What's with your mood today?" Coach asks once he sees me. "What do you mean?" I was annoyed and wanted practice to get over so that I could see what Amelia was up to and maybe, just maybe talk to her.

Coach raises an eyebrow at my tone and I shrug at him. "This mood. You seem annoyed and are not your usual self, wanna tell me what's wrong?" He asks. "I could ask you the same thing." I fire back as I narrow my eyes at him. "Really? And what's wrong with my mood, I am perfectly fine, thank you very much." He scoffs and turns his head away from me. "Are you sure? Hmm, maybe it has to do something with your wife making you sleep on the couch since the past few days." I say with a sly smirk and his head whips in my direction.

"How do you know that?" He asks as he narrows his eyes at me. "Oh... You know school gossip." I smirk. Before he could say anything else all the other guys made their way to the field and stood beside me. Coach gave me one last glare before turning his attention towards all the guys and telling them the plan for today's practice.

I tried to concentrate on what coach was saying but my mind kept going to Amelia. What was she doing right now?

(Amelia's Point of View)

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