Chapter 35

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Hey, my dear readers! Hope you like this chapter ;) Anyway make sure to comment, vote and enjoy!

Have fun!


(Amelia's Point of View)

As we are driving towards the house where the party is supposedly in I can't help but think how eventful this week was. From my grandpa's death anniversary, to meeting my mother, breaking up with Ethan and then getting back together. It has been really eventful.

New Year is just in a few more hours and I can't wait to start a new year. I want to open a new chapter for myself, I want to forgive and forget whatever happened in the past few years and start a new beginning for me, a new beginning with Ethan.

"We are here." Ethan's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I look at him and can't help but smile. God, I am so lucky to have him. Even after everything he still forgave me, he still loves me and is ready to deal with my emotional ass.

"What?" He chuckles when he sees me smile. "Nothing. Just thinking how lucky I am to have you." I say. He smiles and shakes his head before pecking me on my lips. "And I am lucky to have you." He whispers to me once he pulls away. I smile and peck his cheek before pulling away and opening my door.

We walk out and walk towards Andrews's car that is right next to ours before all of us make our way into the house that is blasting with music. Ethan intertwined our fingers just as we made it to the front porch.

Just as we entered the house the smell of alcohol crawled up my nose. I honestly don't mind parties, but I just hate the smell of alcohol.

Ethan tightened his hold on my hand and pulled me closer to him. "Are you going to drink?" He whispers in my ear so that I can hear him over the music. I shake my head 'no'. It may be new years but I have no intention of getting drunk. "What about you?" I ask. "Nope. I am going to drive tonight remember?" He says as he looks down at me. I nod as we both walk further into the house, already separated from our friends due to the crowd.

I feel peoples eyes on us and shuffle a bit closer to Ethan. I just don't like a lot of attention, it makes me insecure and anxious. Ethan and I walk into the kitchen where he takes a soda out from the fridge, "Do you want one?" He asks as he looks at me. "Sure." I shrug and he hands me a soda can.

We both open our cans and take small sips from it. Ethan is standing in front of me, one of his hands on the counter behind me while the other holds his soda as I stand against the counter, his body acting as a shield in front of me.

"School's gonna start in a few days." He says as he looks down at me. "Mhm." I nod and take a sip from my can. "God, I don't want school to start. I love staying in bed and just cuddling all day with you." He mumbles as he rests his forehead against mine.

"Hmm... Me too." I say as I look into his eyes.

Even in all the loud music around us all I can hear is him. Everything else is blur for me except him. It's like we are in our own bubble where no one seems to exist. "Yo Turner! What's up man!" I hear a loud voice say as someone slaps Ethan on the back. I see Ethan roll his eyes and he pecks me on my lips before removing his forehead from mine and looking at the guy.

The guy standing next to Ethan was someone I had seen on the football team with Ethan. He was around the height of 6'1" and had blonde hair with hazel eyes. His name was Jordan... I think.

"Hey Jordan." Ethan mumbled. "Ooh who might this beauty be? Is this the of-so-famous Amelia." He says as he looks at me with a kind smile. I smile back at him and take my hand out for him to shake, "That's me! I am the oh-so-famous Amelia." I say with a small chuckle.

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