Chapter 10

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(Amelia's Point of View)

Ethan liked a girl, not just any girl but a girl who sounded nothing like me. A perfect, pretty girl. My stomach was turning from the inside and I was feeling jealous for some reason.

"It's because you like him, stupid." said a voice from inside my head. No I can't realise I like him when he has just confessed he likes some girl. "Amelia! Lia!" Ethan's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I say looking down at him. "I asked you if you want to watch a movie with me." He said. "Oh, uh I can't. I need to talk to Grandma." I mumble. "Oh." Ethan says as he sits up so that I can stand. Before he can say something I get up and go find grandma.

Grandma was in her room, today she didn't go to the store because she was tired. Her time was coming to an end soon, I just knew it. "Grandma I need some uh advice." I mumble closing the door. "Okay sure. What advice?" She asks. "Boy advice." I say sitting next to her. "Go on." She urges. "Okay, well there is this one boy I think I might like, I am not really sure yet. But he likes another girl... I am not sure I like him yet but what do I do?" I ask. "Well how do you feel about this boy, like around him?" She asks. "He makes me happy. I love spending time with him. He makes these butterflies fly in my stomach and now when I figured out he likes a girl I am feeling jealous and super annoyed." I tell her. "Oh my gosh, my Amelia has got a crush! Finally!" She squeals getting up and squeezing the life out of me. "Are you sure?" I ask as she lets me go. "Oh yes. Yes, I am super sure. You like Ethan, very much in fact." She nods. "Wait- How did you know it was... Ethan?" I ask. "It's obvious you child! The way you smile when you're around him, the way you get all red faced and flustered when he flirts with you!" She exclaims. "I do not get red faced or flustered when he flirts with me!" I argue. "Oh shut up. The last week when you were in the store he used some pick up line on you and you started blushing like crazy." She accused me. "But I flirted back too!" I exclaim. "Yeah, yeah whatever." She shrugs it off. "Anyway how will you tell him? Ooh, maybe a romantic proposal or something or a letter!" She says. "Grandma! He likes another girl. I can't just do that. I am his best friend, I need to be happy for him. But I can't. If I tell him about these feelings things will become awkward between us, and I don't want that. It's just a crush, it will go away soon." I mumbled the last part. "Fine." She sighs.

God, I cant believe me, Amelia Mary Waston, likes Ethan David Turner. It's hard to believe I hated the guy a month ago, and now he just so happens to be my best friend and now my crush.

After dinner, I start walking towards my room. I open my room and jump onto my bed. "You free? You know what, I don't even care, I am bored and I choose to annoy you so you better deal with it." Ethan says jumping onto my bed next to me. "Sure, why not." I shrug before rolling onto my stomach and facing Ethan. "Should we call Andrew and Chase over? It's a Friday night anyway, they can probably stay over or as you call it have a "sleepover" or something." Ethan suggests. "Sure. But what about movie night with Adrian?" I ask. "The kid is gone to another sleepover." He says. I start laughing, Adrian seriously goes to so many sleepovers it's hard to keep track.

In 30 minutes Andrew and Chase show up, "Whats up suckers!" Andrew says flopping on to the bed next to me. "Nothing much." Me and Ethan say at the same time. "Okay, so what are we gonna do?" Chase asked sitting next to Andrew. "Probably watch a movie." I shrug. "Ooh, and cuddle?" Andrew asks with a sly smirk on his face. "No, who would I cuddle with. You have Chase, who do I have?" I say with a fake pout. "Oh you know I am sure Ethan wouldn't mind cuddling you." Chase says. A blush rises on my cheek but I control it. "Shut up." Me and Ethan grumble together.

We all are in the living room arguing on which movie to watch. "All of you shut up! We are watching 'Mean Girls'. End of conversation!" I yell. "Oh hell no! We are watching 'Star Wars'!" Andrew yells. "No we are watching 'The Nun'!" Chase yells. "Shut up!" Me and Andrew yell together. I look at Ethan who is sitting on the couch and eating popcorn staring at us in amusement. "Ethan tell the boys we are watching 'Mean Girls'." I say with a cold glare towards Chase and Andrew. "I am seriously fine with anything. But watching you guys argue is gold!" He smirks. "I swear Ethan if you don't shut up and help me out here I will wipe that stupid little smirk of yours!" I threaten pointing my finger at him. "Geez, you heard the women. We are watching 'Mean Girls'!" Ethan exclaims giving the guys the 'you better not argue and agree or I will kick your ass' look. "This guy is so whipped." I heard Andrew mumble, but I chose to ignore it. I took the remote and sat next to Ethan as I played the movie.

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