Chapter 3

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We were sitting in the living room. I could feel Ethan's eyes on me but I kept my head down and continued to fiddle with my fingers. Great, just great. I would rather live in a shelter and be adonded then live here. Fate just has to make my life a living hell. Is this a coincidence or what? We just so happened to move in with the guy I kicked in the balls not even a day ago, the same guy that had threatened to make my life a living hell, the same guy who I am pretty sure hates me for ruining his reputation. Not that it had ruined that much, but still the entire school had seen a girl kick him, leading to him falling to the ground, wincing. I wouldn't even be surprised if it's posted on social media by now.

I put my hand in my pocket, looking for my phone. Huh? That's weird, it's always there. "Looking for something?" I heard Ethan whisper right next to my ear. I gulped and nodded. Why did he decide to sit next to me? Out of all the seats, the one next to me? My grandma didn't even object, instead she winked at me! "Is it by chance this?" Ethan asks, bringing my phone into view. "How did you get that?!" I whisper-shout. "I took it from you during lunch, I was waiting for you to realise that it was missing." I heard him say. "Well now give it back." I say in a calm voice. "Nah, I won't give it that easily." He said, taking my phone out of my view. "Fine. What do you want? An apology? Fine, I am sorry." I say. "I wanted an apology, now I want to know what you and Lucas were talking about during lunch." He said. Is he kidding me? This guy sure has some guts to threaten the girl who kicked him. For all he knows I can be a professional boxer or gang leader. You never know. "That's none of your business Ethan. Now be a good boy and give me my phone." I hiss. "Or you will do what huh? Kick me again? I don't think you would want to do that with your granny right here now will you? Don't you have a 'good girl' image to keep?" He smirks. "Fine. Lucas was offering me a sandwich cause I couldnt have my lunch due to someone." I tell him. "And nothing else?" He asks. Oh yeah and he told me how impressed he was with me for kicking your ass. As if I will tell him that. "Nope, nothing I can recall. Now give me my phone." I say opening my palm for him to place my phone. "Did you eat that sandwich he offered?" He asks me, completely ignoring what I just said. "No, I didn't. Now can I have my phone?" I ask, again. He hands me back my phone and I snatch it from his hands. How dare this guy touch my precious phone.

"Ethan, why don't you show Amelia to her room?" Ethans grandma, Mary insisted. "Oh no it's fine Mrs.Turner" I say immediately. "Honey I told you to call me Mary. Mrs.Turner makes me seem too old." She laughs. "Right, Mary I think I can find my room myself, can't I grandma?" I ask looking at my grandma with a 'You better agree with me' look. "Don't be silly, honey. I think Mary is right. Ethan should take you." My grandma says with a smug smile on her face. "Actually, I'm pretty busy." Ethan says he obviously doesn't want to waste his time on me. "No you're not Ethan. Now get your ass up and take Amelia to her room." Mary says shooting Ethan a glare. Ethan sighs and gets up. When I don't follow his actions he looks back at me with a raised eyebrow "You coming?" he questions. "Yeah." I mumble. It's not like I have a choice. I get up and follow him upstairs.

Awkward silence surrounds us as we make our way through the hallways. We stop in front of a room. "Right, this is your room. My room is right next to yours if you need anything don't feel shy, just ask. This is your home now." Ethan says. He seems oddly nice. He looks back and I follow his line of direction where I see a man, who I suppose is his dad. Oh, that's why he was acting all kind, makes sense. I just nod and he leaves after that.

I open the door to my room and look around. It's like a normal room. Though it's not that colourful. It's white and gray, unlike my room in my old house which was in the colour scheme of lilac. I would really like some colours in here though. I sigh and step into the room closing the door behind me. There is a bed on one side while a study table on the other. The closet is next to a door which I guess is the bathroom. There is a bay window in the right wall of the room. My bags and suitcases sit next to the bed. The room is not that full and has space for more furniture. It's pretty much empty other than the necessary stuff for a person to live in here.

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