Chapter 36

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Hey guys! How are y'all. I think TNsHE is soon going to come to an end. 10 Or 5 more chapters, I am yet to decide and then an epilogue and maybe some bonus chapters (you can message me want kind of bonus chapters you may want). Anyway, I was thinking of doing a character interview and maybe an author interview or something. 

Dropdown your questions for the particular character here: (If you don't want to comment you can drop me a message with ur questions and who it is for)

Ethan >>>>

Amelia >>>>

Lucas >>>>

Madison >>>>

Andrew >>>>

Chase >>>>

Valentina >>>>

Nicole >>>>

Chuck >>>>

Adrian >>>>

And last but not the least Me (If u want to lol) >>>>

If we have enough questions then I and the characters will answer all those and you will be able to see all the answers by, say Thursday? If not then we will wait till we get questions.

Anyway, here is the chapter hope you enjoy it! Please vote and comment!

(Amelia's Point of View)

I wake up the next morning due to the sunlight coming through the windows. We forgot to close the curtains.

I groan and turn my body the other side and bury my face into Ethan's chest. He groans and buries his face in my hair and tightens both his arms around me. "What's the time?" I mumble into his chest. "Time to sleep." He mumbles back and I giggle at his answer before turning back around (hence causing him to groan in annoyance) and reach for my phone that is on the nightstand.

I turn on the screen and read the time. 11:05. My eyes widen, "Ethan! We have to get up, Adrian and Mary reach home in sometime." I say as I try to get up. "Five more minutes." He whines. "Ethan no. We have to change the sheets and get ready." I say as I move in his arms trying to get up.

"Change the sheets, hmm? I wonder why." He says and I can hear the smirk in his voice. "Shut up." I mumble, my cheeks a shade of pink. He finally lets go of me and I get up, and straighten Ethan's shirt that I am wearing.

I feel something below my feet. I furrow my eyebrows and bend down to pick it up. I stand up and see it's a condom wrapper and I am sure my face is as red as a tomato as all the memories from last night fill my head.

"What are you looking at?" Ethan's sleepy voice asks. "Nothing." I mumble as I throw the condom wrapper in the dustbin right next to the nightstand. "Mhm." Ethan mumbles.

I proceed to walk to the bathroom but stop when I feel some ache and soreness in... my lady region. I stop walking and take support from the wall next to me.

I am going to be honest... Last night was great. Ethan was careful and very gentle. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. It was just a bit uncomfortable at first but then it got better. Ethan wanted to stop when he saw my eyes become a bit glossy, but I told him I was just trying to get used to it. And then it started getting better. It was getting pleasurable and that's when the room filled with both our moans and mosty my screams.

"You okay there?" I hear Ethan's concerned voice ask. "Yeah... Just feeling a bit sore." I say as I look back at him.

He is half sitting and half lying down on the bed. He is balancing himself on his elbows and is looking at me. The comforters are just covering his lower half, hence exposing his bare chest. His neck has a few hickeys on them and his shoulder has a few nail marks and I can bet his back has a few nail scratch marks I might have made last night.

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