Chapter 27

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Ethan above ^ (Lol Idk why I put a pic of him :P) 

(Amelia's Point of View)

I open my door and go down the stairs. I make my way to the kitchen and pick up my bag which is on the counter next to Ethan's. I was about to walk out of the kitchen and to the front door when a voice stopped me. "Where are you going?" I turn around and face Ethan who is looking at me with a raised eyebrow, his school bag now slung onto one of his shoulders loosely.

"Um.. School?" I say but it came out as more of a question. "Why didn't you wait for me?" He asks as he walks past me and towards the console table where his car keys are. Oh so we are just gonna pretend like nothing happened?

"Cause I wanted to walk alone..?" I say, but again it came out as a question. "Look, I know we are having a fight or whatever the shit is going on but let me drop you." He sighs. Yeah, I think not.

"You look, we are having a fight and I have a lot on my mind and I need to sort it out, plus what you said back there didn't help either, so just let me walk alone." I say. "Oh so this is my fault now? I mean what was I supposed to do? You are meeting up with some random dude at Starbucks and not even telling me about it and you think I should stay quiet?" He says, his voice rising. "Look Ethan, you are just mad right now, you may not even know half of the things you're saying. I promise you when it's the right time I will tell you everything. For now just please gimme some space and time to think everything through." I plead, not in the mood to make our fight bigger than it is already.

"Fine. I guess I will see you later." He sighs and I give him a grateful smile but I know it doesn't reach my eyes. I just am really tired and exhausted of all the drama, why can't I just have a normal life?

He opens the door and jogs down the porch to the garage and I walk down the porch and close the door behind me. I start to make my way towards the footpath and I can see Ethan's car driving right behind me from the corner of my eyes. He is going at an awfully slow speed just so he is behind me. I roll my eyes and walk back and he immediately stops the car and I knock on his window. "Don't drive slow, you're gonna reach school by next year at this rate." I say when he opens the window.

"Fine- just call me if you change your mind on getting a ride." He sighs as he finds no point in arguing with me. "I will be sure to. Now get going." I say as I stand back on my normal height and walk down the footpath as Ethan's car zooms by me.

Not even a second later it starts snowing and a smile makes it way on my face. For some reason my mind thinks the snow is signifying I am not alone, that grandpa is here with me, right beside me. I look down at my feet and see how the snowflakes fall on the ground.

My hands get sweaty at the thought of meeting my father, the same father who didn't even care to contact me for all those years, but for some reason contacts me now.

When I was younger I always felt alone and left out. All the kids had their mom and dads to drop them off on the first day of school every year. On my first day each year grandma or grandpa would drop me, but not the both of them since one of them always had to go and get the store working. One of them used to drop me off to school everyday until I was 11 and after turning 13 they also stopped dropping me off on my first day. I used to feel so left out when I used to see all the kids with their parents as they kissed them and hugged them. But I pushed that feeling down. I got used to it and after grandpa passed away most of everything changed, including us and our lifestyle.

I never really knew how big of a part grandpa had in our lives until he passed away, of course I knew he was important but I never knew without him everything would be... different.

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