Bonus Chapter #4

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Hey guys! Here is another bonus chapter, I think the picture above explains well enough what this chapter is about. Anyway, I hope y'all like it and make sure to vote and comment!

Also thank you all for 15k! I really appreciate and love you guys so much!


(Amelia's Point of View)

Pregnant. I am freaking pregnant!

Oh my god! I am going to become a mom and Ethan a dad!

We are going to have kids!

This is all I can think about as I stare at the positive pregnancy tests in my hand. All of the positives with two pink lines.

Ethan and I weren't trying, at least not now. We didn't even talk about when we wanted to try. But we had talked about kids and I knew both of us wanted them at some point in life. That was one reason why I wasn't scared, instead I was happy and so excited. I can't wait to tell Ethan!

A few weeks back I started feeling nauseous and then morning sickness started. Then my period was late, cravings happened and let's not even talk about me being moody because I probably made Ethan sleep on the couch three times in the following weeks.

And finally I decided it was time to buy a few pregnancy tests. So after Ethan left this morning for practice I decided to go to the store and buy them. And here I am now with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes as I look down at the thin sticks in my hand.

I looked in the mirror in front of me and started down at my stomach. There is a baby in there. I put my hand on it and rubbed it slightly, smiling to myself as I did so. "Lia! I am home!" I hear Ethan call out and my eyes widen. I quickly put the tests in my tampon drawers knowing Ethan wont open it unless he is going grocery shopping, just to check if I need more.

"One sec!" I call back, hoping he would hear me. After we got married Ethan got us a forever home as he called it. It was huge, from six rooms, seven bathrooms, a dining room, a massive kitchen, a humongous living room and fireplace area and pool in our huge backyard. We also had a big garage where all our cars were, we had around 4 cars, most of them just sponsorship gifts to Ethan.

Anyway as I was saying, we lived in a mansion, that's right a freaking mansion. With Ethan getting very famous around, it was hard to live in an apartment where people are constantly sitting outside, just waiting to get Ethan Turner's autograph. Ethan loved his fans, but sitting outside our house was going a bit too far and we wanted our personal life too.

So he bought a mansion far away from the main city, close to this forest-like area where only a few other houses were around, it was a calm and peaceful area with trees, lakes, hiking spots all around.

I quickly break out of my thoughts, getting out of the bathroom and room before rushing downstairs. I see Ethan looking around the house, for me. "Hi!" I smile and his head whips in my direction. "Hi, you had me worried for a second when you didn't say anything back." He mumbled coming up to me and hugging me, he pecked me on the forehead and lip before pulling away.

"Sorry, I was in the bathroom." I say and he nods. "I am hungry." He mumbled and I laughed. "What would you like to have?" I ask as we both walk into the kitchen. "You." He mumbles under his breath and my face becomes red and I turn to him with a glare.

"Ethan." I warn. He just smirks and bends down, kissing me innocently. I huff and open the cabinets, looking for something I could give to my dear husband. "How's your book coming along?" He asks. "It's going well, I am almost done reviewing the second draft." I smile to myself. This will be the third book I publish. My first book wasn't a great success, I almost lost hope until everyone around me including my editor and manager encouraged me to write another one.

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