Chapter 23

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The dresses for the dinner will be posted in the next chapter. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Make sure to vote and comment!


(Amelia's Point of View)

The movie credits roll on the screen and I look at Adrian who is now also asleep.

Usually it's me who falls asleep while watching movies, but today both the boys fell asleep.

Both of them looked adorable. Adrian was snoring lightly, his chest going up and down with each breath he took. I couldn't help but 'aw' at how cute he looked.

I then looked down at Ethan whose mouth was slightly parted as he was breathing softly.

Ethan stirs a bit and opens his eyes slightly. He looks up at me with squinted eyes and smiles once he sees me. "Morning." He whispers.

"Morning." I chuckle.

"So the movie is over?" He asks me.

"Yep. Now we are going to the mall." I grin.

"Of course we are." He grumbles unhappily before sitting properly on the couch.

He looks at Adrian who is sleeping on my lap and a smile comes onto his face.

Even though both the brothers fight a lot, the amount of love they share is amazing.

"Give him to me. I will put him in his room, while you go up and get ready. I will meet you down in a few minutes?" He asks softly.

I give him a small nod and he gets up and picks Adrian off my lap.

He then walks up the stairs with Adrian sleeping peaceful in his arms. I get off the couch and stretch my limbs who seem to have fallen asleep. I then start to walk up to my room to get ready to go to the mall.

I open my closet and look through it for something to wear.

After what seemed like 10 years I found one of Ethan's white coloured sweatshirt and a pair of black leggings.

I mean we were just going to the mall so why dress up fancy?

"Amelia can I have my grey hoodie?" Ethan yells from his room.

"Yeah sure." I call back and start looking through my closet from his grey hoodie.

I love his grey hoodie, but it lost his scent. So... I will probably just give it to him to wear until it smells like him again.

I finally find his hoodie and take it before walking to his room.

I open the door and find him standing there shirtless. Okay, let me be honest, even though I see him shirtless every single day, since he sleeps shirtless, it's still an amazing sight to see. I mean he has the body of a greek god!

"Baby, I promise after we come back home, you can stare all you want but right now we have to go to the mall so can I get my hoodie please?" He says in a gentle but amused voice.

"Shut up," I grumble, my face red, and push his hoodie to his chest.

"I love it when you blush." He chuckles as he puts his shirt on.

"Whatever." I mumble trying to control my cheeks from blowing up.

"I like you in my clothes." He smirks as he openly checks me out.

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