Bonus Chapter #3

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hellloooooooo! Here is another bonus chapter. Hope y'all like it! Make sure to vote and comment.

(Amelia's Point of View)

"Shh." I whispered to Adrian who just sneezed. "I don't get it, do we have to scare him?" He asks, rubbing his eyes clearly very sleepy. "Yes," I whisper-shouted. Adrian sighed but stayed behind the couch nevertheless.

Ethan had practice tonight since they have a game in two weeks. I thought it would be fun for us to scare him. Adrian, Jullie and David have been in LA for over two weeks now, they are living in a hotel since our apartment was a bit small for all of us to stay in together and will be leaving the day after tomorrow after our wedding which takes place tomorrow.

I hear the door open and Ethan steps into the house. I hear him throw the keys in the bowl with the rest of our keys before he removes his shoes and throws his gym bag on the couch. "Baby I am home!" He calls out. I peak above the couch and see Ethan's eyebrows furrow when I don't walk out our room to greet him like I usually do. "Lia?" He calls out, turning on the lights as he walks closer to the couch.

I dip back down and look at Adrian. "Now." I mouth and he grins at me before nodding. I turned back and both of us jumped up together, "BOO!" We said in usion making Ethan jump and almost fall back.

"What the hell?" He asks, putting his hand on his chest. "I got you!" I grin. "Dude! Your face!" Adrian laughs and I laugh along my head leaning on Adrian's shoulder. "Oh shut up. What are you doing here?" Ethan asks as he pulls me from behind the couch and hugs me closer to him. He kisses my hair and I hug him back. "Well Amelia and I thought we could have a movie night and I am staying over the night." He says which causes Ethan to scowl.

"Why the fuck did I book you your own hotel room if you stay here most nights." Ethan mumbled. It was true, Adrian stayed in our guest bedroom most times rather than his hotel room. "I don't know." Adrian shrugged, before jumping on the couch and lying down.

Ethan glared at him and I slapped his chest lightly. "Don't be a jerk. He's your little brother and he just wants to spend time with you." I say and Ethan scoffs. "Yeah no. He wants to spend time with you, not me." He mumbled and I smiled knowing he is kind of right.

"Jealous." Adrian coughed. I laughed and shook my head. Adrian is now 15 and he is adorable as ever. I am pretty sure girls in his grade go crazy over his brown hair that is slightly curly and blue eyes that sparkle whenever he smiles. After Ethan proposed to me we decided to keep a long engagement and now when I was 25 and he was 26 we were finally getting married and I couldn't be happier.

"I am gonna change." Ethan mumbles, kissing me on the cheek before walking away into our room. "Scoot." I tell Adrian. He moves and makes a place for me on the couch, I sit down and we turn on the television, resuming the movie we were watching.

"Lia where is my black hoodie!?" Ethan yells from our room. "In my closet! The right drawer!" I call out and Adrian chuckles. "What?" I ask. "Even after all these years you still steal his clothes and keep them in your closet?" He asks, amused. "Hey you can't blame me. The guy has good and comfy hoodies." I argue and he shakes his head.

Ethan walks out wearing his black hoodie with grey sweatpants. He walks into the kitchen, to get something to eat I suppose. A few minutes later I feel him sit beside me with the huge family pack of chips I had gotten yesterday. "Excuse me?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "What?" He asks with his mouth stuffed.

"Didn't your coach put you on a diet for two months?" I ask as I move forward to snatch the chips pack from his hands but he only moves it further away from me. He swallows the mouthful of chips in his mouth before responding, "Yeah, but today is my cheat day." He grins.

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