Bonus Chapter #5

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Heyy y'all here is a short bonus chapter for u, hope u like it. Make sure to vote and comment <3


(Ethan's Point of View)

"I am home." I call out happily as I pull my suitcases behind me. I hear small footsteps rushing towards me before I see my 3 year old boys; Tyler and Ryder, rushing towards me.

"Daddy!" They called out happily and I opened my arms as I bent down. They both smash into me and hug the shit out of me and I get up with them in my arms and kiss each of their foreheads.

"I missed you naughty boys." I say as they keep their heads in the crook of my neck. "Mw too." They say, their voice muffled. They finally take their heads out of my neck and grin at me.

"Did you get us chocolate?" They ask and I laugh. "I did, they are in my bag." I say and they smile at each other exactly as they clap their hands.

I was in Chicago for three weeks for my games, practices and training. I would usually take the boys and Amelia with me. But the twins had recently started school and there was no way Amelia would let them take a three weeks leave, so I was all alone for three weeks away from my family and let me tell you it was hell.

I couldn't sleep for shit and I used to call Amelia and we used to talk all night and I would see my wife fall asleep and just wish she was in my arms.

Also being in a hotel room alone without any toys or makeup around felt horrible. I was so used to the twins' toys scattered all around the place even when we had to live at a hotel for a few days and not seeing it around me made me feel homesick.

"Where is your mommy?" I ask as I place them down. Tyler and Ryder look at each other before Ryder leans towards my ears and whispers, "Mommy is mad at you."

A smile makes its way on my face. I know very well why my dear wife is mad at me. It's our wedding anniversary today and I pretended I forgot. I was also supposed to be home tomorrow but coach wrapped up all the training and practices early so I booked the first flight home and here I am.

I haven't called her since this morning and nor have I sent her any text message. Just then I hear my beautiful wife's voice, "Tyler! Ryder! You better clean up all this lego you messed up in the living room!" She says and I know she is frustrated.

Tyler and Ryder giggle and I place my finger on my lips when I hear her footsteps walking to where we are. I turn around and pick up the flowers I got her from the airport and then open my bag and get out the small gift bag and chocolates I got for her from Chicago.

Just as I am turning around I see her enter the room. She has a glare on her face but the moment she sees me her eyes widen. The twins giggle at her reaction and I smile at my lovely wife who has shock written all over her face.

"Happy fourth anniversary, love." I smile and I see her just looking at me. "You... You remembered?" She asks and I grin. "Of course I do." I say and she rushes to me, jumping on me and wrapping her arms and legs around me. I fall back a few steps as I wrap my arms around her as much as I can with the gifts in my hand.

"I missed you so much you jerk." She says and I feel some wetness on my hoodie. "Woah. Why are you crying?" I ask. "I am on my period." She mumbles and I smile. "At least we know you aren't pregnant." I tease and she slaps my back lightly as she somehow snuggles her body closer to mine.

Suddenly I feel someone pull on my pants and I look down at the twins. "Where are our chocolates?" They ask and I roll my eyes. "Open my black bag, they are in there. I also got us some matching shoes and shirts." I say and they grin happily as they walk back to where my suitcase and bags are.

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