Chapter 40

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(Amelia Above ^^)

Holy shit guys, we hit 7 k reads! 

Anyway, hope you like this chapter, make sure to vote and comment.

Also, the book is sadly coming to an end, just 5 more chapters left and an epoilgue and some bonus chapters.

(Amelia's Point of View)

It was everywhere. On every single website, on every single paper, just everywhere. I stare at my phone screen re-reading the big bold letters over and over again.

"Hidden daughter of Jackson Henderson, not so hidden anymore."

There was a picture of me right below that. Shit. Shit this is bad.

How the hell did this happen?

It had been two days since my encounter with Valentina, she seemed back to ignoring my presence. She did nothing that probably even gave me a clue she would leak this information. But did she do this..? If not her than who?

"Amelia... How the hell did this news come out? Did you and Jackson discuss this or something?" Ethan says as he enters my room, his phone in his hands. "I don't know... Dad and I didn't discuss this at all. I mean we talked a few weeks ago about this, but decided not to. We knew the media would be crazy, and I wanted to complete senior year in peace." I mumble scrolling through my phone and going through various articles that somehow have my pictures.

"Then who did this? This isn't small. These people seem to know your address, we had a few cameraman and news reporters outside our house a few minutes ago, and people are gathering around here." He says.

"Valentina." I whisper. "Valentina?" He asks, confused. "She leaked the information. Remember how she knew all about this just a few days ago? It has to be her." I say as I look up at him.

"But why would she do something like this?" He asks. "Ethan it's obvious, she wants you. She has been after you and I supposedly ruined her chance with you." I sigh as I put my phone on the bed and close my eyes.

"Hey it's going to be alright." I hear Ethan say and I feel him walk closer to me and sit next to me on the bed. "It's not Ethan. It's not. There are reporters outside the house, I can't even imagine how many reporters are outside dad's office. Ethan this is going to look bad for him. Most people don't even know about his first marriage, they are going to assume things and it's going to look bad for him. What if he leaves..? What if he can't handle what the media says and decides to just leave me so that he has a good name?" I whisper.

"Hey that's not gonna happen. Your father loves you and no father who loves their daughter as much as Jackson loves you would ever leave their daughter." He says. "I know... But Ethan I am scared. I don't like this. I don't like being scared." I whisper.

I feel Ethan lift me up and place me on his lap so that I am straddling him. He wraps his arms around me and I wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

"Baby I know you don't. But you have nothing to be scared of. No one is leaving you." He whispers to me soothingly and kisses my temple. We stay silent, wrapped up in each other's embrace.

"Thank you." I say after sometime. "What?" He asks, confused. "Thank you for... Holding me. And making me feel better." I say and kiss his forehead lightly. "You don't need to thank me." He says and pecks my lips.

Just then my phone starts ringing. I pull away slightly from Ethan, putting one hand on his shoulder as I pick up the phone.

I read the caller id and my eyes widened. "Who is it?" He asks. "Dad." I say. His eyes widen slightly and he nods, gesturing for me to pick my phone up.

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