Lucas's POV

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Hey, this isn't exactly a chapter. It's just a small part of Lucas's thoughts. This chapter is just going to show a small part of Lucas. Anyway make sure to Vote, comment and follow me!

My dad was once this loving and caring guy. He was once this person who would drive me to school and hold my hand on the first day. He was the guy who would put family before anything. He was the guy who gave me piggyback rides. He was the guy who promised me my first car. He was the guy who taught me how to walk. He was my 'superhero' as I called him.

But it all changed that one day when I walked home to school early. My last two periods were free periods so I decided to just go home. I had keys to the house so when I arrived I opened the door without even bothering to ring the doorbell. I walked into the house silently wanting. I walked into the kitchen hoping to see my mom but she wasn't there. So then I looked for my dad. I entered the living room and that was when I saw the most horrific sight in my entire life. A woman with blonde hair was sitting on my fathers lap as both of them shoved their tongues down each other's throat. Both their hands were moving around each other's bodies and I felt an urge to puke then and there.

That was the day everything changed. My father tried to explain to me it wasn't what I thought it was, but I knew better. Things went downhill from there. I found out my own best friend, Ethan knew about this. My brother knew about this and so did my mom. I felt betrayed...

I begged my mom to leave my father because I couldn't come home every day and see him sitting on the couch watching tv as if nothing was ever wrong. But my mom was too blinded by her love for him to do so. 'We need him Luke' she would say. Need him my ass.

My parents loved each other. My dad looked at my mother like she was an angel. I grew up in a pleasant and love filled environment.

When I was turning 14 I saw that things between my parents were different but I was an idiot to actually try to find out what. I noticed there were no more morning kisses, no more 'I love you's, no more flirty comments and no more love in his eyes. But I ignored it and I feel like a fucking idiot to do so.

When I was 13 I came home late, I was gone out with Ethan and we were cycling around the neighborhood and I had dinner at his house so I lost track of time. I came home at around 9 pm and when I did I was met by my drunk father. I didn't know why he was drunk. The moment my father saw me he started cursing at me and then he slapped me. I tried to calm him down but in the end he just ended up beating me up and passed out.

I was terrified. I was terrified of my father that day. So I limped over his body and went to Ethan's house. I felt unsafe in my own house for two weeks and my dad apologized multiple times telling me it was a mistake. Of course my mom sided with him. I accepted his apology. But one question rang in my mind, would he do this to me every time he may get drunk?

It never happened again until yesterday. Two years ago my father came home and told my mom he wants a divorce. My mom got scared and asked why. She told him she was fine with him... cheating but she couldn't leave him. My dad said he found a woman for himself.

We met this woman just a year ago at a dinner my father invited me and Bryan to. I was disgusted when I saw that the woman was just Bryan's age if not younger.

My father fucked everything up in our lives. He was once a hero. But now he was just a villain. A pure villain.

And I fucking hate him for how he messed up my life.

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