Bonus Chapter #2

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Here is one of the most asked bonus chapter. Remember this is part one and part two of this will be out soon. Also, I know this bonus chapter isn't great, but I tried to write it as well as I could. Hope you like it, make sure to vote and comment!


(Ethan's Point of View)

"3 Games lost in a row, by world famous Quarterback, Ethan Turner. What is the cause of his sudden downfall?"

"Turner loses 3 games in a row. Fans are curious to know why the sudden downfall."

"Fans disappointed in Turner. Is it already the end of the young quarterback's career?"

I drop my phone on the bench, and sit down. Putting my elbows on my knees and my face in my palm, groaning into them. We lost again tonight, which makes it the fourth game I lost in a row. This is the most amount of games I lost in a row ever since I started playing.

Sure I lost a few times, but not consecutively. "What the hell was that?" Coach asks as he stomps into the locker room. "Sorry coach." I mumble. "Sorry my ass. Ethan what the fuck was that? You got so many penalties you sat on the side half of the game!" He yells.

I sigh and refuse to look at him, knowing damn well he was right. "I don't know." I answer. "I selected you for the superbowl for a reason Ethan, but with your shit performance, I don't think we will even make it!" He says. It was true, this season I was going to be playing the superbowl for the first time, since I was 23 and coach thought I was pretty much ready.

I sigh again. "Ethan really. What is going on?" He asks. "College." I answer simply.

Doing college and being in the NFL was hard. I wanted to complete college and get a degree no matter what, I just didn't know I would get drafted by 19. I was hoping to get drafted after college. But got drafted earlier and I didnt turn the opportunity down, thinking I would be able to handle both. But it's goddamn hard.

Coach sighs from beside me. He supports my decision and hasn't once tried to make me choose between the two. "I understand. Put on a shirt, and then come outside. Reporters are waiting outside to interview you." Coach informs before walking out.

I get up and put on a clean shirt, running a hand through my wet hair before walking out the locker room, my gym bag slinged over my shoulder. I use the back way to exit, not wanting to crash into any people on the way out.

Just like coach had said, a shit ton of reporters stood by the exit waiting for me and the other players to come. I just wanted to go to the hotel where Amelia is probably waiting for me. She usually doesn't stay back after my games, knowing that I have interviews and probably stay back for an hour or so.

I set outside and close my eyes for a second before opening them and letting the sound of cameras and people talking over the other fill my ears.

"Mr. Turner! Fourth game you have lost in a row. What would you like to say about your performance?"

"Do you think your bad performance has something to do with your long term relationship with Amelia Waston?"

My head whipped in that reporter's direction and my eyes narrowed at him. "What do you mean?" I ask. Amelia knew how overwhelming the media was, the first one year we somehow managed to keep our relationship in secret but then we got caught making out on campus one day which... exposed us and now Amelia comes to my games every time wearing my jersey. Amelia hated when people said shit about our relationship, we ended up having a huge fight when I was accused of cheating on the internet, it didn't help my phone was switched off and that I was out of town and Amelia wasnt with me since she had to stay back for college.

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