Author's Note

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I don't know how to start this so gimme a moment. *clears throat*.

Alright, I think I can do this. So... TNsHE is officially done. God. CUT!

Alright, let's try this again. People this book is doneeeeeee! No goddamn it. CUT!

*Clears throat again*

OH MY GOD, THE NOT SO HAPPY ENDING IS DONE! (Now that's more like it.)

Guys, I don't know how to express how happy I am. This book that started on: Nov 23th 2020 (I don't know for sure. I think) with 0 views 0 votes,  Ends today on: April 5th 2021 with more than 7k views and 200+ votes!

God this is crazy. Every single message, vote, comment (and threats hehe) has been appreciated and loved by me. Your comments always managed to make me smile and give me more encouragement to write, so if it weren't for all of you, I don't know how this book would have finished.  

This book has been a huge milestone in my life; being my first ever Wattpad novel. I am going to admit, I have written books before this, but TNsHE is different from all of them and will always hold a special place in my heart. All the characters, that you have loved and I have created will always be cherished by me. 

I know this book is not perfect, it doesn't have a proper storyline and can be fast-paced and confusing and let's not forget all the spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. But that helped me develop as the writer I am today.

As I am sitting on my bed, eating one of my favourite chocolates while writing this I can't help but be glad and happy with how this book came out. 

Maybe one day I will get myself to edit this book. And maybe one day, I will hopefully publish it. 

Thank you so much readers for your amazing comments and votes and messages (and let's not forget threats) that helped me in ways you will never know and made me smile. I love you all so much and am so glad if you stayed till the end and are reading this.

And with that, we close Ethan and Amelia's story.

P.S: Don't worry bonus chapters will be out in some time. I have been working on it. And slowly I will post them. (might take weeks and months, idk.)

Thank you for sticking with me and bearing with me till the end. Hope to see you in my other book(s). 

Love you all so much.

Your author, Human

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