Chapter 26

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(Ethan's Point of View)

Everyone sits in the car in silence, until Amelia's stomach grumbles and breaks the silice. "Well someone is hungry." My mom giggles and looks at Amelia who is bright red. "Sweetie just wait a bit, we will go home and we can have dinner." My mom assured her. I was still mad at Amelia, hence I didn't say a word to her nor looked at her. I could feel her giving me small glances from the corner of my eye but I just ignored them and stared out the window most of the time.

My dad stops in our driveway and I immediately climb out not bothering to wait for anyone and ring the doorbell. A few seconds later grandma comes and opens the door but furrows her eyebrows once she sees me. "What are you doing here so early? Dinner got over fast?" She asks as she opens the door wider and I walk in, everyone else walking in behind me. "It's a long story." I sigh. "Well I got the time." She says. "Dr. Adam's son forced himself on Amelia and things went out of hand and now here we are." I sigh gesturing towards all of us. "Oh my god! That explains the blood and bruises! Is Amelia alright?" She asks frantically as she walks over to Amelia and immediately spots her bruised wrists. "I am fine." She assures grandma with a soft smile.

"Oh dear, I swear I would have killed that kid for touching you." My grandma says as she hugs her. "I know. I would have to, but someone is just too kind for their own good." I say as I glare at Amelia to which she rolls her eyes at. "What?" Grandma asks in confusion. "Amelia freaking helped clean the guys bruises and even forgave him for what he did!" I say. Grandma signs but doesn't say anything. "I did not forgive him so you better not lie!" She says as she pulls away from my grandma. "Whatever, I am hungry." I say as I remove my suit and put it on the coat hanger.

I walk into the kitchen and open the cabinets to look for something but find nothing. "There is nothing there to eat, we have to go grocery shopping. You will have to cook something if you want to eat." I hear Amelia say as she opens the fridge door.

I look in her direction and see that she has now removed her heels leaving her barefoot and she opened her bun leaving her hair down. She no longer has her purse or earrings. She takes out a few ingredients and walks past me into the kitchen.

"Knowing that you can't cook to save your life, I will make mac and cheese for everyone." She says as she takes out a pan and puts it on the stove.

Everyone in the household knows how great of a cook I am.Yeah, you got it right, I suck at cooking and can burn water if I were up to it. Amelia on the other hand can be a pretty good cook and I love her food.

She starts making mac and cheese as she walks around the kitchen, not even sparing me a glance. "You just gonna stand there or actually do something?" She asks as she starts putting some stuff into the pan. "We need to talk." I say in a serious voice.

This is our first actual fight and it's not on some small topic, it is a pretty big topic and I want to talk it out and solve it even though I am super mad. I just think talking it out is the most sensible thing to do and after that we can decide if we want to be mad or not.

"Look I am in no mood to talk right now. Today was a long night and I am tired. I am just gonna cook for everyone, eat and then go to sleep. Maybe we can talk this out tomorrow, but right now I am seriously not in the mood." She says as she looks at me.

I can clearly see the tiredness in her eyes so I say nothing but nod. I just stare at her cook and move around the kitchen. My hands itch to be around her but I know better than that. Right now is not the time, both of us are frustrated with each other and are tired. I honestly don't want to fight, but what she said and did made me furious and even she knows that. I know I shouldn't have yelled at her, but my anger took the best of me at that time. She was helping me and I should be grateful for that, but the way she said she was cleaning up my mess really made me furious. I know I mess up a lot and maybe even disappoint dad due to the constant fights I have at school. I know today if dad would have seen just how much blood was poured, he would be furious at me even though I hit the guy for a good cause. Dad isn't a fan of violence and I know my punishment was yet to come.

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