Chapter 17

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The image above is of Chase. I realised I never really added him in the character key so there ya go!

Anyways I hope you like this chapter!! Please vote and comment!


(Amelia's Point of View)

We were sitting in Chase's car, I was in the back with Ethan and Andrew, Andrew in between us. Chase and Madison were in the front. Ethan's family were in his dad's car. "Why can't I sit next to Amelia?" Ethan whines. "Because you are going to get too touchy, especially with what she is wearing right now." Andrew says as he continues to scroll through his phone, not even looking up at Ethan.

Ethan's mom had gotten my favourite black shorts, which were a bit too short with a red crop top. These clothes were super comfy and even though it was cold today I had no problem wearing it. "Amelia, you're killing me." Ethan mumbles.

"Chase, can you get us home fast. I want to get the heck out of this car." Andrew says annoyance clear in his tone. "Well if you let me sit next to Amelia, you won't have to listen to me whining." Ethan says in a matter-of-fact tone. "You know what? Fine! Get your ass here and leave me in peace." Andrew says as he gets up slightly. Ethan has a smug smile on his face as he shifts into the seat in between.

"Finally." He mumbles as he puts his face in the crook of my neck, which causes me to giggle. One of his hands reaches my thigh while the other around my waist. He rubs his hand up and down the side of my thigh and gives me small kisses on my neck. "Guys, there are people in this car for god's sake!" Andrew yells.

Ethan groans against my neck. He pulls his face out of my neck and faces Andrew, "Why do you always have to ruin my moments?" Ethan asks.

"Why do you always have to be so touchy and inappropriate with people around you?" Andrew retorts.

"How long till we reach home?" Ethan asks Chase. "Ten more minutes." Chase says as he takes a turn. "Amelia I swear you have to control him." Andrew says, which causes me to blush bright red.

"I am gonna take a nap." Ethan says as he puts his head on my shoulder, his hands still in the same spot.

10 minutes later...

"Ethan wake up." I say softly as Chase parks into Ethan's driveway. "A few more minutes." He mumbles as he snuggles closer to me. "Ethan you better get up. Or your preparations are gonna be ruined." Andrew says. Ethan jolts awake at the sound of whatever Andrew just said. What preparations are they even talking about?

"Well let's get out of here." I hear Madison mumble as she climbs out of the car. One thing I have noticed is that Madison doesn't like sitting in cars for too long. Ethan gets out of the car and I open the door.

Just when I open the door I hear a car honk in distance and my surroundings change from around me. I hear car honks and tire screeches, my head spins around and I close my eyes, but all I see is the same night sky from the day of my accident and glass all around me. My head spins and I try to find something for support.

"Amelia!" Ethan's voice brings me out of whatever was happening. "Y-Yeah?" My voice comes out shaky as I try to even out my breathing. "You okay?" He asks me, concern written all over his face. I give him a small nod and I then realise I am in his arms. His arms are wrapped around my waist supporting me. "I-I just had a weird flashback." I whisper trying to understand what just happened.

"Oh... The doctor told us about that. You were about to fall out of the car and your eyes were closed. Your entire body became stiff. Luckily I was there to catch you or you might have fallen down." Ethan says.

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