Bonus Chapter #1 (Maddison & Lucas)

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(Note: I dont know much about British slang/words.)

(Maddison's Point of View)

"Lucas, stop!" I whine as I hit his arm. "What? I'm doing nothing," he mumbles acting all innocent.

I roll my eyes, yeah right.

Here we are in his house, in the living room, home alone because his mom was out to get groceries and his brother is at college. We were watching a movie, but Lucas was trying to either tickle or just spoil the movie for me.

"Stop or I'll not talk to you again," I warn and his eyes widen and he pretends to zip his lips and throw the keys away. A smile graces my lips, dork, I think to myself.

It was crazy how close and flirty we had gotten in a small amount of time. I knew I was attracted to him and I somewhat... fancied him. I didn't know how he felt about me, sure we were flirty and all but he was also in love with Nicole.

Ugh. These bloody thoughts have been clouding my head and I have been overthinking more than I have in my whole life.

No guy has ever made me feel the way he has, because ultimately throughout I have always seen guys as ultimate morons until he came along.

Lucas was the most genuine and nice guy I had ever met. He had walls that I am yet to get past. He had boundaries to and he knew how to respect another person's boundaries. He knew the right things to say to make a person's day. Any girl would be lucky to have him and I found it absolutely rubbish that Nicole rejected him.

He ran his hand in his blonde hair and I remembered I have a movie to watch rather than stare at him.

"Hey Maddie, say bloody for me will you?" He asks after a few minutes. I rolled my eyes, god at the rate I roll my eyes at him they might as well get stuck in the back.

"Bloody," I say and he smiles. "Dude I freaking love your accent," he chuckles to himself and I slightly blushes. Oh, what a cheeky idiot, getting me to blush and all.

I slapped his arm slightly and he just continued to chuckle. Only then did I notice how close we actually were, our faces inches apart and our breaths mingling with each other.

His chuckles die down as he stares into my eyes, he swallows slightly as his eyes drift down to my lips and so does mine, both our eyes remain there for a few seconds before we look back into our eyes, the movie now just playing in the background as I see him leaning closer to me.

My eyes flutter close as I lean in to and then I feel our lips connect for the first time causing sparks to erupt throughout my body.

Bloody hell.

Our lips start moving against each other's and my hands go into his hair, pulling it slightly as he takes a hold of my waist.

This is so wrong but feels so right. Here I'm kissing him when I know he is in love with Nicole, when I know I have feelings for him and probably going to end up heartbroken because it's not going to mean anything to him the way it's going to mean to me.

But this asshole makes me want to take risks, this asshole who I'm kissing right now makes me feel like the heartbreak will be worth this small moment between us because god have I been craving to kiss him.

Just then Lucas's phone rings interrupting us from our kiss. We pull away slowly, both of us breathing heavily. His eyes dart down to my lips and he licks his swollen lips before taking his phone out of his back pocket and answering it. He turns his back to me as he speaks on the phone and I close my eyes, my body still fluttering from that kiss.

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