Chapter 4

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I was in Biology class staring at the clock instead of paying attention. Just two more minutes to lunch. Gosh can't these two minutes go by faster? I tap my foot impatiently as I look at the teacher who is blabbering some stuff about something. I don't even know what she has been talking about. I stopped paying attention 20 minutes back.

Finally the bell rings! Yes, freedom. "Ethan and Amelia can you both please stay back. I need to talk to both of you." The teacher says. Wow, great, tell that to my stomach that is practically roaring like a lion. "Okay." I sigh as I make my way towards her table. I look at Ethan impatiently who was taking his sweet time to put his books in his bag.

Finally after what feels like 20 years he starts to make his way towards us. "Ok, Ethan, you know you're failing this class right?" The teacher says. Ethan nods. "Well I want Amelia to tutor you as she is the top student. And this is serious. You might not graduate if you fail the next test." She says. "Wait why me? Why not Lily or someone?" I say. Lily was pretty smart, she sat in the front bench and took all the notes, she was quite friendly. She once helped me with my notes when I was absent because I was sick. "Amelia you're the smartest student. I would really appreciate it if you tutor him. I might also put in a good word for you to my husband." She says.

Her husband was the head of one of the best colleges in Toronto. This is quite a good deal. "Fine." I sigh. "Thank you so much. Are you fine with this Ethan?" She questions him. "Sure. Why not?" He shrugs. "Ok then, both of you are excused. See you tomorrow." and with that she leaves. I was about to leave when Ethan stopped me. "What?" I ask, turning around. "I need your number. You're gonna tutor me, remember?" He says.

I look at him in confusion. If this guy forgot we live in the same house. Why will he need my number? "If you forgot we practically live in the same house. I don't see why you need my number." I say. "Still, just give it to me. I might need it, you never know." He says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Fine." I mumble, not really in the mood to argue. My stomach needs food and I just want to go eat in peace.

I give my number to him on a piece of paper and exit the classroom. The moment I exit the classroom, my stomach rumbles loudly. Luckily there were not many people in the hallway and the people who were there didn't seem to have heard it. Calm down baby, we will get food soon. I tell my stomach and start walking towards the cafeteria.

I currently have P.E. My least favorite class. The coach is talking to Ethan about his upcoming match while the rest of us line up, I don't even know why we are lining up. The coach told us to. Luckily this is the last period. I don't like taking showers in the school shower so I go home to take them. If this wouldn't have been the last period I would have probably been stinking for the rest of the day.

Finally after 20 minutes the coach stops talking to Ethan and turns towards us. Ethan jogs towards us to join the line. "Ok class, today we will be playing volleyball. This is not girls v/s boys, it's both. I will choose 2 captains and they will choose their teams. Is that clear?" Coach yells. "Yes coach." everyone mumbles together. "Ok Ethan and Matt, you both are captains." Both of them go and stand besides the coach. "Ok now choose your team. Ethan you go first." Of course coach would choose Ethan. Perks of being a favourite student.

Ethan and Matt start picking people for their teams as I daydream. It's not like they would pick me anyways. I am the worst at sports. I look around me to see how many people are left and just find one brunette girl with black glasses standing beside me. Wow, it's just the two of us. "Holly." Matt calls out. The girl walks towards Matt's team. Well I guess I go to the other team. I make my way towards Ethan's team and stand at the very back. I am not gonna play anyways. I can bet you 50 dollars I will get out in the first 10 minutes.

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