Chapter 44

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(My baby Ethan above ^^)

(Amelia's Point of View)


One thing Ethan and I haven't discussed yet is college. And it was the month of May now which means we graduate in three more weeks. There is already the exam pressure, studying pressure and now I have this on my mind that has been troubling me alot.

"Wow, you guys haven't discussed college yet?" Madison asks with a raised eyebrow. "N-No." I mumble as I look down at my text book that I was studying from just a few minutes ago until Madison brought up the topic college. "Lucas and I have been together for almost two months but we already have discussed. I am surprised you haven't. You've been together since November, almost six months." She says.

Oh Lucas and Madison got together two weeks after my talk with Lucas. Madison was so happy. After a month of dating Lucas dropped the 'L' bomb, of course Madison said it back. They have been a super cute couple and we have been on a few double dates, even a few triple dates with Andrew and Chase. Even if they have not been together for long, you can tell they are probably gonna have kids and get married just by the way they look at each other. Though you never know.

"I think you should talk to him." She says. "What?" I mumble as I look at her. "Talk to him. Tell him where you want to go and where he plans on going. Even if you have to do long distance I am sure you can work it out. You both need each other and a little distance won't change that."  She says with a smile and places her hand on top of mine.

I give her a nervous smile before pulling my hand away. "We should get going. It's getting late." I say as I get up from my seat and take my wallet out, placing a ten dollar bill on the table. "Okay. Meet me here tomorrow for another study session?" She asks and I nod.

We have been doing these study sessions at this cafe that is just a few meters away from school. It's a cute place, with a cozy, aesthetic look. Plus the coffee here is to die for and Ethan thinks that I have now developed a coffee addiction, because maybe I kinda do.

Not the point Amelia.

"Bye." I wave to her as we take different turns. She smiles and waves back and I start my walk towards home.

All while walking only one thing is on my mind. College. What if the both of us want to go to different colleges? I mean I have applied for a few in Toronto, and that's pretty much it. I never even thought of going to college out of state, much less country.

Will we be able to do long distance? I will be able to... But what if he gets tired of the distance... tired of waiting. Will we be able to fight the distance?

Lost in all these thoughts I didn't even realize I had reached home and was absent-mindedly walking up the front porch. Just when my hand goes up to the doorbell, only then do I realize I am home. I sigh and click on the doorbell before waiting.

I hear footsteps on the other end, and then a few seconds later the door opens to reveal a shirtless Ethan. "Hey." He grins goofily once he sees me. "Hi." I mumble and push past him. "Well that wasn't the greeting I was expecting." He mumbles behind me. "Right. Sorry." I say and turn back around to face him. I lightly kiss his cheek and give him a small hug before walking off to the kitchen, leaving him confused.

I open the fridge and take out a water bottle, I then go upstairs into my room and lock the door behind me. I put the water bottle before sitting on my bed and taking my laptop out my bag.

I open it and go on to the York University website. I login and close my eyes. I applied here about a few months ago, I should have gotten my results by now. I open then again and refresh the page. My eyes widen when I see that my application has been referred to.

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