Chapter 9

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(Amelia's Point of View)

It had been a month since me and Ethan had become friends. We had become quite close now. He and his friends, Andrew and Chase, would sit at the lunch table with me and we would joke around. Andrew and Chase would occasionally join our hangouts, but most of the time it was just the both of us. Ethan, Adrian and I would watch movies together every Friday night. On Saturday Ethan and I would go to grandma's store and help her out. Usually on Saturday nights me and Ethan would watch a chick-flick, he pretended to not like them, but I knew he did, we would also end up sleeping during the movie and in the morning I would always somehow end up on top of him. Ethan would drop me in the morning for school, and during the afternoon I would go to his practice and wait for him so we can go home. I had also been to a few of Ethan's football games, their team always won. Overall me and Ethan had somehow become best friends.

I was walking out of calculus class when I spotted Ethan in the hallway talking to his friends, a grin came onto my face as I remembered one of our stupid rituals. "Ethan!" I yelled. He turned towards me and broke into a smile as he turned back and I ran and jumped onto his back and he caught me, his body not shaking one bit. People were giving us looks but we didn't care, they were still not used to the fact of us being friends. We both started laughing like maniacs as Andrew and Chase just shaked their heads at us. "You guys are like little kids." Chase said. "I know right!" Andrew said. "Shut up!" Me and Ethan said together. "Ok, now to bio class." I said pointing my finger in the direction. "To Bio class." He said as tighten his hold onto me and walked to class.

When we enter class the teacher gives us a glare as Ethan puts me back onto the ground. I walked to my seat and Ethan took the seat beside me, he had somehow convinced the guy next to me to move to the back where his seat used to be.

I was taking notes in between class when Ethan pokes me on the arm. "What?" I hiss. "I am bored." He says. I sigh as I look towards him. This always happens. Like literally in all the classes I share with him, well except for P.E. "Well maybe you should pay attention and take notes." I say. "Why would I do that if my best friend is taking notes. Plus I don't understand what the hell the teacher is saying, I only understand when you explain it to me." He says, with a cheeky smile.

Oh did I mention that he had become even more flirty then before? Well guess what he has, I flirt back sometime, but not all the time. "Who told you that I would give you my notes?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him. "Well will you?" He asks with a smile not leaving his face. "Yes." I mumble. It was true, I would give him all the notes without even thinking twice. "See told ya." He said as he poked my cheek. "Amelia, Ethan is there something you would like to share with the class?" The teacher asked us. "Nope that's why we are talking. If we wanted to share it with the class we would have been yelling." Ethan says. I swear this guy will get me in trouble someday. The teacher just sighs before turning back to the white board.

We were currently at the lunch table and were talking about random stuff. "Why did you cheat on Madison anyway?" I ask Andrew as I take a bite out of my sandwich. "I didn't. We had broken up a day before that." He shrugs. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, "Why did you break up then?" I ask. "Cause I am gay." He says. And I literally choke on my sandwich. "Y-your what?" I ask as Ethan pats my back. "Gay." He shrugs. "Then why did you hook-up with that chick?" I ask. "I was drunk." He said. And I nodded. "So any guy you like?" I ask. "I could ask you the same question." He said with a smirk on his face. "What do you mean? I don't like any guy." I said trying to think of the guys I might like. "Yeah, she doesn't. So shut up. Now answer her question." Ethan said from beside me as he narrowed his eyes at Andrew. Andrew just smirked at him and looked back at me. "Well as per now I like Chase." He shrugs. "You know he is right here right?" I say looking towards Chase who was staring at his sandwich intensely. I swear I don't get what the guy is up to sometimes. "Yeah so? He knows I like him and we started dating a week ago, cause unlike some people I don't chicken out to tell a person I like them." Andrew said looking towards Ethan. I just ignore that and say, "Geez, and here I thought I was your friend, but none of you bother to tell me anything." I say wiping an imaginary tear. "Dramatic Ass." Chase mumbles and we all start laughing.

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