Chapter 25

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Erin McAfee

I woke up because of the light snore beside me. I opened my eyes slowly for it to be adjusted to the sun rays crept inside my room.

There I saw Zac sleeping peacefully beside while his arm resting on top of my belly. I smiled and turned my body to my left so I was faced fo faced with this beautiful man.

I've dreamt about this, you know, and never in my life I thought that this would actually happen.

We didn't have sex by the way, we just snuggled with each other until we succumbed to slumber. He was so broken last night when he opened up to me about how he mourned and grieved when Emilia had died.

After we kissed, he leaned his forehead to mine and looked me in the eyes intensely.

He caressed my right cheek and just roamed his eyes all over my face which made me blush even more.

"I like it when you blush, you know. Especially when I knew that I was reason behind it." He commented and kissed me again with same amount of fervor.

He pulled me in to him until there's no gap between us and made me sit on his lap. When we were out of breath we pulled away slightly and I leaned on his chest.

I could hear the loud beating of his heart and it matches mine.

After awhile, I heard him spoke.

"I was in the university attending my class when Livy called me, I have rejected her calls until I excused myself to take her call. I was actually irritated at her that time, you know. I thought she has nothing to do again so she's calling me to just annoy me. Well, it happened before, you know. I was doing a research paper that time and she called me several times just to tell me that she's bored."

He shook his head and continued.

"But right when I answered her phone call, I immediately heard her cries while telling me that..." He paused for a while and looked at me. I encouraged him to continue by squeezing his arm gently.

He took a deep shaky breath.

"That mom has passed away." I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to cry but he's preventing it so, I leaned on to his face and kissed him near his under eye area whispered, "Let it out. You have to let it all out."

He blinked repeatedly and tried to avoid me but a lone tear betrayed him and escaped from his eyes.

I gave him an understanding smile and nodded at him to continue.

His arm around my tightened and pulled me even closer to him.

"I drove so fast that day to the manor. When I came there, Livy was already at the door waiting for me crying. When she saw me, she immediately hugged me and told me that she immediately went to their bedroom right when she came from school to tell her how her day went. But when she saw mom in their bed so pale, she immediately called the nurse and she went to Dad's office without caring if he's in a meeting or what to tell him."

Tears were now falling uncontrollably from his eyes.

"Then, right there and then, the stretcher where mom was laid on passed by us with Dad tailing behind it. I caught a glimpse on Mom's face and I swear that time my brain didn't function. All throughout Mom's wake til she was buried, I have never shed a tear. I don't know why bit I just couldn't. So, after Mom's burial, I purchased a condo unit near the University. I just couldn't live in the manor anymore, Erin. Every part of that house has mom's memories and I couldn't bear the feeling that she's already gone that's why I left."

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