Chapter 51

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Zachary North

"Mr. North, in 30 minutes, we will be landing soon." I heard Yvan, our personal pilot, from the speakers.

I sighed and nodded at no one then proceeded to fasten my seatbelt on and cleared all my stuff scattered on my table.

I leaned my head on the headrest and massaged my temples because of the headache I was nursing since we departed yesterday. If only I knew that Livy's meeting will be held in Amsterdam, I wouldn't have agreed to be her proxy.

Imagine the horror in my face yesterday when Nikkie, Livy's secretary, sent me my flight and accommodation details. I couldn't back out though because I was already included in the email loop and that I swear I didn't think that I would have to go to Amsterdam for her meeting. Ugh! I believe this is her revenge to me. Oh, did I say that when I landed, I'll have to drive for an hour and a half, with the help of Phil, my head of security and driver, to get to Scheveningen, a seaside town in Holland.

But that's not the annoying part.

The annoying part of all is that I'll have to stay there for a whole week. I mean, seriously though, what did I put myself into. I should've asked for the details first before agreei--- wait a second... I did ask for details but I didn't agree in that instant. She perceived my enquiry as my agreement! Jesus! She took advantage of my happy mood that day. Ugh... what a cunning lady.

Anyway, I'm here now, might as well seize the so-called break for myself. Good thing I have no urgent meetings next week and that my schedule is free.

As we arrived at my hotel room, I ordered room service for my growling stomach. After I ate, I took a bath and lounge around my room. Ever since I drew the line between work and personal life, my work mode will automatically vanish once it strikes 7pm, and I believe it's already 7pm back home.

The next day, I woke up pretty much early with a good mood. I worked out then had breakfast in my room while reviewing the files for today's meeting. Seriously though, this meeting can be set up through video call, I just don't know why I had to come here for a week. Anyway, what's done is done and this meeting is somewhat important for the oil division. Although her business venture with the Coopers had amassed a great profit to our company, she's still investing in to some other oil companies.

I looked at the clock and saw that it's quarter to nine already, I need to hurry up and finish everything in ten minutes so I won't be late in our meeting at 9:30am.

I took my last sip of my coffee and I flipped on to the last page of the file, there was a light pink sticky note on it with Livy's handwritten note:

Good luck, brother! Don't waste this opportunity. I love you!



Seriously? Did she think I'll screw this meeting up? What does she think of me? A newbie? I am the Chairman of NGC, how would I mess this up? Silly woman, always wants to annoy me.

Unsurprisingly, the meeting went well. Emma, the middle aged woman I had a meeting with and the Chief Operating Officer of the company, and her husband Daniel, invited me for lunch at a nearby aged-old deli that was famous for upholding the century old tradition of the place. I must say, we were a bit overdressed as everyone wears casual beach clothes in contrast with the business attire we're sporting on. Thankfully, I heed on Emma's suggestion to lose the coat and tie to kinda blend in with the crowd-- though the residentials won't care about it, it's just a courtesy for me.

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