Chapter 15

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Erin McAfee

"Erin... Erin... Erin!" I heard a snap of a finger and that's when I focused on my sister, Tyra. Who's currently handing me a plate full of pancakes.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I apologised and took the plate and placed it on her kitchen counter.

Today, I visited her and her family to let my mind off of the things that's making me stress out. I came here early and unannounced to play with my niece and nephew but still, I find it hard to refocus because of a certain person.

"Seriously, Erin. What's with you? Tell me what's eating you alive and don't you dare tell me that everything's fine with you." Tyra put down the ladle on a saucer and stood in front of me.

Should I tell her? No. Deny anything.

But she knew very well that something's up with me. So, should I tell her or not?

"Tell me." She held my shoulders and levelled her height with me.

"Did I say it out loud?" I asked and she chuckled lightly.

"Nope, but I knew you're thinking it. Now, tell me who is it?" She asked and I had a brief internal panic when she asked the last part.

Was that really obvious?

I groaned and sat on the stool. Fine, here goes nothing.

"Just someone. But he's disrupting my peace of mind for months, now. Lately, he's giving me signals and messages that my brain's refusing to acknowledge. I mean, I didn't know when or how did we became close with each other. When he knew that I dated him, he became furious and went to my apartment telling me to stop seeing that guy. Then one thing led to another, we kissed. Made out! Since then up until now. Ty, I don't know what what to do anymore!" I paused and took a deep breath.

"He's been acting so strange lately. He's being touchy and sweet with me. His words kept me awake for weeks. And his eyes, Ty, that's what made me kept awake. It displays emotions that was so intense that when you try to read it, you'll melt. Plus, I was now having a hard time controlling myself. Last week, if I didn't realize what's going on, we would've done it in my apartment." I looked at my sister then I took a deep breath.

"That's what's eating me alive." There, I told her already. Please, please sister get the hint that I was not yet ready to tell her name.

She laughed.

Can you believe it? She's laughing and I didn't know how was my story funny?

"There's nothing funny to what I said." I furrowed my brows at her and she placed her arm around my shoulder.

"For you, none. But for me, the whole of it was funny. It's clear that you like each other. That he likes you. And you on the other hand, doesn't want to admit that he's into you." She told me cheerfully.

No fucking way. I shook my head to erase my sister's thought in my mind.
Tyra's wrong, Zac doesn't like me. I meant, I was not the kind of woman he'd been dating with. So, basically, I am not his type.

"Erin, stop refusing to believe what's in front of you. Clearly, that guy likes you too. You said it to yourself, he got mad when he knew that you're dating a guy that's not him. So, he went to your apartment to, I assume, discourage you to date that guy. Then, one thing led to another, you said, you two made out."

"Also, based on your story, you can feel that he's being sincere or true with his words and actions, that's why it kept you awake at night because you are busy telling yourself that whatever he's doing with you was not real." She explained and that's how I literally been feeling. Oh my God.

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