Chapter 58

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Zachary North

It was three in the afternoon when Markus' men came in my apartment. They were divided into four groups, each with 10 men. As usual, they were dressed differently from each group.

The first group, the one who will accompany me and Erin, wear the usual suit and tie. As for the second group, they're wearing casual clothes as they will be disguising as one of the diners of the restaurant. The third group are the snipers they're wearing all black, they're the one who will watch us from afar. Lastly, the fourth group is the backup group.

"Sir, we have checked the private room booked under your name. As per checking the blueprint of the restaurant, the nearest exit you and Ms. McAfee could run to, if something happened will be on this side." Markus pointed at the nearest exit at the blueprint.

I nodded at him and memorised the way to it. Erin's with me so I needed to be extra cautious and be on my right mind so I can protect her. Afterall, we still didn't know the identity of this Justin. All we ever know was he can do anything and can get away with it.

"There will be a car in every exit sir, so wherever you went out, we're ready to get you."

"Alright, but how about my family, friends, and Erin's family? Is there anything odd going on around them?" I asked.

"As of 12 noon, my men didn't record any peculiar activities within the 10 meter radius from their house or work."

"Okay. Do we have any reports or word of mouth from the underground community who this man is?" I asked him again because it's so odd that Markus can't even know a single thing about him.

This just means that either he's just an imaginary person made by Mason or a very very powerful man that disguised himself as Justin.

Either way, I'm going to find out about him later. I just wished that he didn't include Erin.

"I'm sorry sir, but I believe he had already blocked us in acquiring any information about him. Just like what we did to Mr. Knights before."

I took a deep breath and sighed. Oh yeah right we did it already so he can do it also. Geez! Who the fuck is this man?

"It's alright, Markus. I know you already did your best, all we can ever do is to be extra ready, careful and cautious tonight. Thank you for your service again." He saluted and exited my home office.

When he went out, I closed my eyes and massaged my temple. I could feel that a headache is coming due to overthinking.

"We'll get over this." I heard Erin beside me and she placed her left arm around my shoulder.

I looked up at her sadly because she had to be in this situation because of me.

"Baby, I'm really really sorry for getting you in this mess. Had I known this beforehand, you would never be in this predicament. I'm so sorry, my love, I promise to end everything tonight." I took both of her hand and kissed it.

She gave me an understanding smule and sat on my lap.

"It's already his intention to get me into this. Whether I stay farther away from you or not, I will still be in his plans. Also, I told you many times that this isn't your fault, Zac, so stop blaming yourself. The only thing we can do now is to stay strong and believe with each other. Especially now that we know that he will do everything to rip us apart. We have to show him that he can't separate us no matter what he does." She looked me in the eyes seriously while telling me this.

Honestly, I went mummed with what she said.

I didn't know how to react that's why I hugged her and placed my chin atop her shoulder.

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