Author's Note

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Hello, loves!

I'm sorry this isn't an update but I believe I owe you all an explanation. I was rushed in the ER Thursday night because my body gave up due to the fatigue and stress - my BP went low and was confined for about two and a half days.

Thankfully, I was kinda okay now and got discharged awhile ago. However, the doctor advised me to take a complete rest for a couple of days so my body can recover completely.

I'm sorry for leaving you guys hanging, I know this part is what everyone is waiting for. Also, please note that I draft the chapters on the day of my uploads that's why I don't have any "spare" chapters to post.

To lift up everyone's mood, I have an announcement for everyone! As this book is nearing to its end, I believe this is the best time to tell you guys that there will be another book after this, but not Jowee's story... 🤫 I still don't know what story would I make for her. Huhuh. But for the next book, it just came out of the blue yesterday while I was waiting for my dextrose to be emptied from its bag. I will announce it right after I finish this book. 😊

A little confession, this was supposed to be my last book because I'm having trouble balancing my work and writing but when that idea came out from me yesterday, I immediately drafted a story outline in my phone's draft. Hahaha.

Anyway, going back to the main topic, please don't expect any updates this week. Huhuhu. I'm really really sorry but I need to focus on my health first. I hope you understand. 😓

As always, thank you for reading my books. Please always vote and comment! It's always fun to read all of your reactions.

Thank you, everyone and always keep safe!



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