Chapter 10

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Zachary North

All throughout my day, I couldn't focus on my work because I was so bothered about Erin and Alex's date.

What could have possibly made Erin agreed to date him? I mean, how did Alex successfully wooed her? Through flowers and chocolates? How?

This thought was making my head hurts and get irritated for I couldn't comprehend how did he manage to have a date with the most difficult-to-be-swayed-woman I know.

I heard a soft knock on my door and Jane's head popped in. I nodded for her to enter and she stood in front of me.

"Mr. North, i-is there anything you want me to do?" She asked me carefully, I frowned, why was she asking me? Is it already closing of business? I looked at my wristwatch and saw that it's 9pm.

Oh. Time surely flies when you're preoccupied.

I took a deep breath and shook my head at her then went to focus on the monitor that's in front of me.

"Noted, sir. I will be taking my leave now." Then she went out of my office quickly.

I leaned back on to my chair and closed my eyes.

What a very tiring day for me and it wasn't even about my work but the news brought forth by my sister.

All day long, all I was thinking about was Erin, Erin, and Erin.

I think there's only one way to rest my mind, and that is to go and warn her. That's right. I will tell her that her heart will be broken by a guy like Alexander Vice.

Yeah. That's what I was going to do to get this whole thing out of my mind. I will drive down to her apartment tonight.

I was in front of her apartment door when I froze into my place. Suddenly, my mind went blank as to what will I say to her or how will I warn her without giving off a jealous exterior.

Which by the way, I was far from being jealous. I was just mad the thought that she will gets played by a Alex. I was only concerned towards her.

My fingers were about to press the doorbell when I heard Erin called me.

"Zac?" I looked at my left and saw her holding two bouquets of flowers. On her left were pink peonies while the other was pink roses arrangement.

Flowers. Again?! I though I'd have enough of it at Livy's office. Oh the anger was starting to come back and now it's doubled because I know where those annoying blooms came from. I glared at it hoping that it would vamish from my sight.

"What are you doing here?" She asked slowly as she typed in her passcode.

"Come in." She added after she successfully and struggled to open her door due to the annoying bouquets she holding.

I entered her apartment and followed her to the living room.

"Do you want coffee, tea, juice? Or have you had dinner already?" She asked awkwardly but I just continued to glare at the flowers.

"Uhm. Zac, are you oka---"

"You went out with Alex Vice." I cut her off by voicing out my reason for being here and still glared at the annoying pink peonies.

She gasped quietly. "H-how did you know?"

I looked at her and she was utterly and obviously confused about what's going on.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that you should stop seeing him. Didn't I warn you before about him? That he will just play with your feelings. So, stop seeing him!" It came out a bit agitated but I didn't care, I was deepshit mad about her agreeing to have a date with Alex.

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