Chapter 55

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Erin McAfee

It's been two weeks since the night I told Zac everything that I kept inside me. After that night, he didn't show his face to me again, I guess he already left and gave me the space I wanted, to which I'm so glad because I don't know what and how am I going to face him. Not because I was ashamed but because I am still not ready.

Nevertheless, since that night, I felt light, at peace, and free. It's what I've been yearning and looking for when I came here in The Netherlands. However, there's still a part of me thinks that there's still something missing and I think that it's his explanation, his side of the story. But I'm not yet ready to hear it and to see him.

Anyway, enough of Zac. Today, I moved out of Dean's family house and was already on the way to the city proper of Amsterdam. My stay in Scheveningen is already long overdue and that I needed to go back to the city.

I parked my car outside a coffee shop when my phone rang. I smiled when I saw the name on the screen.

"Mason!" I answered cheerfully, and yes, we're still in contact. He also knew where I was because he was the one who drove me to the airport the day I left New York. Ever since then, we remained friends, he checks up on me often and even visited me here for a couple of times, sometimes with Livy and Jowee.

Before you think of anything, no, there's nothing going on between us nor he has feelings for me. He made it clear to me that he never really sees me more than his friend and sister, and I believe him.

"If you're not in the mood to talk to me, you can say it." I heard Mason's annoyed voice.

I laughed.

"Oh okay, you're still there." I heard him chuckle.

"I'm sorry, Mase. I was in the midst of parking my car. What's up?" I asked as I entered the car and started the engine.

"Oh, you arrived in Amsterdam already?" he asked.

"Nope. I just stopped to buy some coffee. So, why did you call?" I asked as I got out of the car.

"Nothing, I called to check up on you because I remembered that you're moving out today."

"Uh-huh. I'm okay, still a bit sleepy but I can manage. So, how are you? Still competing with your cousin for the chairmanship?" I asked because this is his ultimate dilemma.

"Yeah, same old shits but I'm working on it. Anyway, I'm going to hang up now, I have an early meeting tomorrow morning. I just called to check up on you." He said and I hummed and we disconnected.

I ordered an iced Americano to wake me up. As I took my wallet from my purse, a white envelope fell from my purse. I took it after I paid the cashier and examined it as it was odd for me to have that in my bag.

When I flipped it, my name was written on the back but before I examine it, one of the baristas announced that my order is already done. So, I put the envelope back to my purse and quickly took my order then head out from the coffee shop.

After two and a half hours of driving, I arrived at Tyra and Brad's mansion, where I am staying here in Amsterdam. As soon as I arrived, the helpers quickly helped me unload all of my stuff. I quickly went to my room and washed myself then slept all my tiredness away.

When I woke up, there was still light outside. I checked the time on my phone and it was 7 am. Geez, I slept 16 hours?! Was I that exhausted? Anyway, I opened my laptop and checked my work email. What welcomed me was TONS of emails, but it didn't surprise me because I took a two week break since I told everything to Zac.

I was actually thankful to Edna, my boss, as she was so understanding with my situation and even agreed for me to work remotely.

I was in work mode when I heard a knock on my door, as I looked up, one of the helpers, asked if I will be taking my dinner here in my room or in the dining room. I looked outside and was shocked that it was already dark.

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