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"t-toji! my son, what are you doing here?" seonghwa jumped in his seat, looking at the teenage boy through the mirror in front of him.

the male was busy styling his newly dyed hair in hopes of surprising his wife, but that was clearly not happening according to the male behind him.

"uh oh, uncle hwa. i'm telling~," toji teased seonghwa with a sly smirk on his face, and before the young boy could even step a foot outside of the bedroom, the latter had jumped from his seat at the vanity and took the teenager in a headlock.

"you are just like your father, boy." seonghwa laughed, and toji joined in on the fun. the two males goofed around for a bit, seonghwa long forgetting about his previously styled hair.

"what on god's multi coloured earth is going on here?" they heard a new voice, and in the middle of seonghwa picking up toji and throwing him in the bed, had seora shown up to the scene.

"sis help! he's kidnapping me!" toji was quick to exaggerate, and he was instantly hushed by his younger sister who had rolled her eyes playfully. by now, the youngest male had been dumped on the bed, and seora had made herself comfortable too.

"so, you little rascals. what do you think of my new hair?" seonghwa asked the youngsters, once again walking back over to the vanity to tame his now messy hair.

"it looks good, aunt ri will love it!" seora cheered, and her uncle smiled at her warm nature. he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"thanks, sweetheart."

"eh, i'm not sure. you look older than before, uncle hwa." the two heard a voice, and seonghwa furrowed his brows mockingly. he didn't think before grabbing toji in another headlock, seora sighing in the back at the older's childish nature.

perhaps his best friends rubbed off on him more than he originally thought.

"hey kids - hey!" everyone in the bedroom paused at the high pitched voice that suddenly bounced off the walls, and seonghwa didn't even have the chance to get up from his position before he was knocked - quite literally - into the bed, a figure straddling him.

his brain just about registered the cool metal of a dagger on his throat, and a few cold seconds passed before chuckles racked his body, soon turning into full blown laughter.

"oh- oh it's you!" se-ri exclaimed, removing the blade from her lover's throat with rushed but careful movements. she sighed and rubbed her forehead in stress.

"this seems familiar, doesn't it?" he whispered with his deep voice, bringing his large hands up to palm her warm thighs softly. her cheeks flushed at the overly intimate action, and she was about to look up from his face to address the kids, before they had already dashed out of the room in hopes of not experiencing something mentally scarring.

"great. look what you did, hwa. you scared them away." se-ri huffed, already moving to climb off of her husband. but her efforts were fruitless, for he had already grabbed her wrists and tugged her with force, making her small palms land upon his chest.

her eyes widened substantially, and watching that devilish smirk grow on that drop-dead handsome face of his was not helping her weak heart.

"hwa~" she whined bashfully, and he threw his head back as laughter took over once again at the sight of her charms. seonghwa leaned upwards to steal a peck from her lips sneakily, a cheeky grin adorning his features as he watched her melt for him.

he watched as one of her dainty hands reached upwards to take hold of a few strands of his hair, and her plump lips formed an 'o' as she admired the silvery-blonde colour.

"what do you think?" he whispered, anticipating her reaction and opinion.

se-ri's mouth formed an approved smile, "it looks really good, hwa." she complimented, and he laughed at her once again when she suddenly moved to sniff his hair.

her neck was now in his line of vision, and as if his actions were solely based on instinct, he leaned forward to gently place his lips on her smooth skin. her hands moved to quickly grasp his broad shoulders in support, and se-ri almost swore that her knees turned to jelly when he started suckling softly, sure to leave a mark.

"okay...that's enough," se-ri breathed out, but he paid no mind to her. not that she was complaining.

"and to think i was meant to call the kids down for dinner." she sighed in defeat, and he sniggered at her childishly.



hey my lovelies <3

so how did you like this bonus chapter hehe ;)

i just so desperately wanted to show the kids grown up and their relationship with seonghwa teehee,, i didn't really have an outline for this but i liked how it came out !!

also i miss writing about seori omg my ult ship </3

stay safe and stan ateez and vote for them on sma to get them that bonsang !! <3

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