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"myra, myra!" se-ri called, as she stood at the porch of the grand castle garden. she watched with exuberant eyes as myra took notice of the medic's presence, and the princess rushed forward so that she didn't keep se-ri waiting.

"what is it, mrs park?" she teased, and se-ri groaned as she hid her heated face behind her hands.

"not you too, myra!" se-ri whined, and myra just giggled in response as she poked se-ri's cheek.

"anyways, i was wondering if you maybe wanted to go into town with me. we're running out of apples, and i just think its the perfect opportunity to get out of the castle for a bit." the girl smiled, and grinned triumphantly when she saw myra bobbing her head up and down as she agreed.

they linked arms and made their way into the castle, dragging mingi and yunho along since they would need guards with them all the time, since the king himself had insisted that they stay safe.

the two girls walked ahead and giggled, and yunho and mingi turned to each other with knowing smirks.

"who would've ever though those two would be the best of friends."

as they trotted their way throughout the town and passing by the bustling stalls of merchants, the onlookers found the sight of two large men in royal attire trailing behind like helpless puppies to be comical, and se-ri noticed this.

myra was busy looking at he fresh selection of fruits on the stand, too busy in her own world of shopping to notice the curious eyes on the princess. se-ri reached out to softly grab a piece of myra's dress, and she tugged it lightly to get her attention.

"princess, everyone's looking at you. see?" she called out.

the aforementioned turned around, and after analysing said crowd, her eyes crinkled up as the corners of her lips turned up into a smile. "they're not looking at me, silly. they're looking at you."

se-ri recoiled in pleasant shock, and when she glanced to the side to see a group of young children giggling and pointing feverish fingers at her, she felt her insides warm up. she turned to face them then, and sent them an enchanted smile with a small wiggle of her fingers to form a wave. they shrieked and ran away, laughter echoing in the air around them.

she cooed at how cute they were, and broke out of her stupor when she heard the princess begin to talk again.

"they're looking at the future queen, of course."

se-ri's eyes popped out, and she laughed nervously as she shifted her weight from on foot to another. that phrase had her thinking deeply, and only then did she let reality of her technically being royalty settle deep in her bones. and to be honest, such big responsibility and exposure terrified her to the core.

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