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the castle was filled with bustling maids and staff were running around from room to room as everyone was busy preparing for the wedding of the year, a time for everyone to remember.

the wedding of the crown prince and princess.

or so they thought.

se-ri laughed with yunho in the kitchen as the pair were busy making apple crumble for the busy staff so they could have something to look forward to.

as yunho placed the last batch into the big oven, the two were busy placing everything away into their designated areas so they could finally relax.

the whole castle, and the country atiny itself, had been busy that specific week to prepare for the big occasion that would take place soon.

just then, san popped his head in the kitchen and flashed the duo his angelic smile, brushing his black-and-red hair back and waving innocently at them.

"san!" se-ri cheered and jumped up, a smile growing on her face as she ran up to the man and was immediately engulfed into his warm embrace.

he giggled along with her, and they broke apart so that san could look at the over excited bundle of joy in front of him who couldn't seem to stay still.

"my my, what on earth are you so excited about, se-ri?" he asked as he furrowed his eyebrows with a teasing smile on his chiselled face.

her face fell into a shocked face and she hit his chest playfully and crossed her arms over her chest.

this caused an adorable pout to form on his face, yet he waited expectantly for her to talk.

"it's your birthday!" she squealed and jumped up again, and a flash of recognition passed on his face and he scratched the top of his nervously.

"oh...i forgot about that. we've been so busy i couldn't even take the time to sit down and talk." he responded.

se-ri let her smile drop slowly and her shoulders fell, a sense of guilt was taking over her as she thought about how the wedding completely took attention away from him.

"san...i'm sorry. yunho and i can bake a cake for you, and i'll even make my special steak for you." she pouted, and immediately started thinking of ways to make his day better.

he simply laughed, "se-ri, i'll let you do that since you make amazing food. but we need to get your dress ready and your seamstress is here to take your measurements." he said, grabbing her arm and pulling her away.

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