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"no way, seonghwa."

se-ri stood in the living room with her husband, hands pressed to her mouth that hung agape as the feeling of pure shock ran through her veins.

"we're going to be crowing san and myra?" she asked, tone filled with uncertainty.

"now that i think about it, it seems to be quite out of the ordinary, but it'll be okay," he assured, moving closer to se-ri to place a hand on her back. "i'll be doing all the talking, and think about how much more at ease they will feel when we'll be by their side with them." he reasoned, holding his hands out to calm down a slightly shaken se-ri.

se-ri took a deep breath, fanning her hair out of her face before she finally opened her eyes and looked into his honey eyes that sparkled like the stars dancing in the sky.

"make sure you tell me about these things next time, hwa!" she whined adorably, falling into his embrace almost naturally, and he chuckled at her panicked state.

"i know, i know," he said, bringing a hand up to pat her head comfortingly. "but you must admit this was a great surprise." he grinned cheekily.

"a great surprise alright." she grumbled, but smiled nonetheless when she took in the sight of his childlike smile.

the pair only tore apart when they heard multiple voices down the hall, the echo bouncing off the ivory walls of the grand palace.

all together at once, yeosang, san and yunho filed into the living area where se-ri and seonghwa had originally been relaxing in on their own.

"what are you lovebirds up to?" yeosang smirked, his perfectly arched brows wiggling up and down in a teasing manner. yunho snickered beside him, and san simply rolled his eyes playfully at the sight of the two immature men.

"nothing you children need to be concerned about." the ravenette replied, crossing his across his chest in triumph when he noticed yeosang deflate at the name he was called.

"leave them alone, sangie. you wouldn't know what it feels like to be in love~," san said, a sing-tone lacing his words.

"eurgh, there's love everywhere. get me out of here!" yunho exclaimed, and he jumped up to run out of the room, yeosang following behind him excitedly. 

the remaining three simply shook their heads, a chuckle or two escaping their lips.

se-ri turned to san, "so, future king. are you ready for tomorrow?" she asked.

the aforementioned male relaxed his shoulders as he set his eyes upon his two friends, who he could confidently claim as his family.

"i'm more than ready."

"really?!" se-ri squealed, hands curled up into tight fists as she shook her hands all over the place, almost knocking seonghwa's eye out.

"damn, she just gets more dangerous everyday," he whispered, sighing a breath of relief when he missed the hit by just a bit.

"i heard that seonghwa, but i'll act like i didn't."

seonghwa boomed with laughter, throwing his head back and letting the bubbles of laughter take over his body. his hair fell away from his forehead and showcased his fresh undercut that outlined his luscious locks, the wispy tendrils dancing over his starry eyes.

his painful smile was one of a kind, his eyes crinkled into fond crescents and plump lips stretched into a wide smile, so wide that his left laugh line popped out even more than his right one.

and se-ri once again found herself in a trance, a spell of admiration and adoration cast upon her, and nothing could undo it.

the power of sir park seonghwa, she thought, and giggled at her silly thoughts.

he had finally calmed down a bit, yet he was still grinning, even when he noticed his wife and long time friend staring at him.

except one gaze was full of love, and the other full of teasing judgment.

"okay, so i'll be taking my leave. have fun, lovebirds," san announced, standing up from his seat on the plush sofa made up of expensive materials and stretched his limbs like a cat. "goodni- wait!" he suddenly shouted, startling the couple who had huddled close to each other.

"what is it, san-ah?" seonghwa asked.

"do you know who's going to be crowing myra and i tomorrow? i've heard that the priest is away so i've been worrisome thinking about who will take his place." san said, resting a hand on his hip as he looked at the ceiling thoughtfully.

the married couple just took a sly glance at each other, and with a quick signal from wife-to-husband, seonghwa nodded firmly.

"don't worry, san. we've everything under complete control. now go to bed, i believe you'll be needing the rest for the big event." he said, authority apparent in his voice as he didn't seem to be looking for any objections.

san only looked at him weirdly, wondering what his friend was being so vague about.

he decided to brush it off then, since he didn't feel like staying up any longer. his body called for rest, and he couldn't resist the tempting feeling any longer.

"well, goodnight then." san said, but he didn't wait for an answer before he was dashing up the stairs, desperate to meet his bed.

when the coast was clear, se-ri heaved a long breath that she didn't know she was holding in.

"are you sure you have everything under control, seonghwa?" she asked, squinting her eyes as though she was sceptical of his intentions.

he only chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he brought her head to his firm chest.

"why, of course i'm sure."



omg y'all no way is the next chapter the second/third last chapter :O


as much as it may seem that i have neglected this book i'm still so distraught that it's coming to an end, finally 🥺

but it's okay!! because i have so many other journeys that i'm bringing all you lovelies on, just you wait ;)

i hope you all enjoyed this slightly filler/fluff chapter 🥺 let me know what you think hehet

oh also, what font do you guys read in? this is a question i've been meaning to ask for a while bajajaj

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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