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that afternoon of the coronation, it had been the shock of san's life when he came to the realisation that seonghwa would be the one crowning him and myra.

it brought a strange feeling of content to him, a fulfilling sense of comfort that settled deep into his chest to have his oldest brother be by his side on one of the most important days of his life.

and now, with the love of his life by his side and his role model standing before him, san could only stare in awe, wondering just how lucky he could've gotten that the skies above were on his side.

his eyes shone so bright he lit up the entire room, and he captured everyone's attention without even realising it.

seonghwa has just finished giving the sermon, and it was finally time for the moment that the entire country had been awaiting.

a signal had been given, so the couple had watched, with their undivided attention, as se-ri walked out from behind the curtains with a velvet pillow resting comfortably in the palms of her delicate hands.

the entire throne room had echoed with 'woo's and 'woah's as they admired the beauty that was se-ri, as she made her way to stand next to her husband and smiled in all her angelic glory.

carefully placing the pillow down onto the table in front of them - which separated the two couple by a short distance - se-ri picked up the jewelled crown up with care and ease, being cautious not to be clumsy with the prized possession.

she looked to her left, to see seonghwa holding san's crown, and she watched closely as small droplets of tears would build up in his waterline, threatening to spill.

but seonghwa blinked them away, and with one reassuring smile from his wife, they both turned to myra and san.

the princess held her breath when she took a peak to her right, to see that seonghwa had lifted his hands slowly and was about to place the crown onto san's head, sealing their fate.

when it's overwhelming,

without giving it a thought, myra took a firm hold of san's hand into her own, and felt her nerves washing away when she felt the familiar graze of his thumb on her warm skin.

hold on tight i'll be here, don't forget it.

the vast audience had hushed to a low hum as they all watched and listened with rapture when seonghwa's deep voice boomed through the palace walls.

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