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"ssshhh, stop fussing," seonghwa placed his warm hands on his wife's petite shoulders, pressing down lightly in efforts to calm her down, "we're gonna head to the hospital right this second, okay? let's take it one step at a time. here, take my hand." he said.

se-ri, with slightly shaky fingers, placed her significantly smaller hand into seonghwa's larger one, relishing in the comfort he brought her.

the sheer elation bursting through her chest right now could not match to anything else; for it was the birth of myra and san's second child.

the news had been passed onto the married couple while they minded their own business for their day off, but it ended with se-ri bursting into tears of hysteria when the words 'her highness, the queen is in labour.'

seonghwa could only guess that the birth of myra's children hit so close to home since she couldn't produce any of her own, and he had to wipe away the few tears that had built up in his waterline the more he thought about it.

since se-ri would do anything to hurry up and get to the birthing centre as quick as she could, she was already out of the castle before anyone could stop her, the tall inky haired male following closely on her trail.

suddenly, he grabbed her hand in his once again and led her to the stables, hastily saddling his favourite black stallion.

"seonghwa, are we really-,"

"yes, we're taking maltese, it's the quickest way to reach the hospital." he reiterated, already finishing her sentence since he knew his wife too well to know what she was going to say.

she was startled when his large hands gripped her waist in his firm grip and swiftly lifted her onto the horse, and as if it was the first time she met him, her soft cheeks flamed up at the contact.

se-ri heard him chuckle smugly, and she felt like crawling into a hole when he mounted the creature himself, his body heat radiating onto her own. it seemed like a silly decision to wear a backless dress that day, especially when both of seonghwa's strong arms snaked around her waist to grasp the bridle, simultaneously pulling her closer to him.

she glanced down at where his hands were, and she gulped when his rings looked that much more shinier in the spring sun than they should've, and the sight of the way his veins bulged did not help in her situation.

"behave, se-ri." he whispered, and burst into laughter when she flinched and hiccuped at the unexpected action.

she slapped his arm lightly at his teasing, and quickly turned back around to face the front.

"let's hurry! i wanna see my babies!" she squealed.

"seonghwa, look~," se-ri cried into his chest, the heavy sobs racking her chest and her hot tears staining her flushed cheeks.

seonghwa smiled warmly at his emotional wife, it reminded him of the time toji - san and myra's first son - was born.

he brought her even closer into his embrace, stroking her head back and forth as he swayed the both of their bodies side to side.

"i know, star. don't cry, you don't wanna miss seeing the baby before her mother goes to sleep, do you now?" he asked her, voice so mellow and soft se-ri swore she could've feel into a deep slumber right then and there.

he wiped her tears for her and pecked her forehead, fixing the few odd strands of her hair before turning her around to the hospital bed.

a weak, tired but cheerful myra laid in the bed, the smallest bundle of joy wrapped up in blankets as soft as clouds cuddled into her arms.

without a word, myra held out her arms with the baby girl still in her hands, and with extra care and love, se-ri took the baby.

the little button nose, the long and thick eyelashes, the heart shaped lips. it was all enough for tears to once again stream down se-ri's face.

the tiny human in her hands looked like san. so far.

"look at you, baby," she cooed, sniffing slightly, "you're making me cry so much and i don't know your name yet." she giggled, making everyone else in the room chuckle along with her.

"oh! that reminds me," myra began, and she took san's hand in her own, who flashed his own dimpled smile at seonghwa who moved to get a closer look at the newborn.

se-ri's attention was now focused on myra, and she nodded her head to signal her to carry on, rocking her arms slightly to calm the sleeping infant in her arms.

"san and i...we thought it would be a good idea, and an honour for us to let you name the baby." myra grinned, her small fists waving in the air slightly due to her excitement.

se-ri stopped, her heart beating faster and her mouth dropping open.

"a-are you serious? really?" she asked, not believing her ears.

"of course we are, se-ri. we gave it a lot of thought, and we think it's perfect." san spoke up, his warm honey voice travelling through her ears.

speechless, se-ri looked down at the baby once again, who seemed too peaceful to do anything else, which brought a wave of serenity over her.

a small smile grew on se-ri's lips, and she leaned down to peck the chubby cheek of the newborn, letting her cherry lips linger for a few seconds before pulling back.

the room was now silent, and even toji and yunho who were playing in the next room could not be heard.

seonghwa stood behind se-ri, massaging her shoulders lightly. he had a hunch for what she was going to name the infant, but kept to himself as this was his wife's decision. he respected that.

"i'll name you...seora."



hey my lovelies <3

so how did you like the epilogue 👉🏼👈🏼 i hope it was okay, and i promise that toji will get a chapter too!

but i had this planned for so long, where se-ri gets to name the baby she never had but always wanted, and eventually naming her 'seora'.

y'all remember seora, right?

also credits to my cutie seohaaa for the help with the names :) and credits to Zincgirl  and ShiberMercy  for helping me so much with this book <3

and credits to all my readers for making this journey a success, my love goes out to each and every one of you <3

stay safe and stan ateez !! <3

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