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- one month later -

myra hummed a soothing melody as she pranced around in the kitchen wearing her oven mitts. in her time at the palace, she realised that she couldn't spend all her time doing nothing, thus she picked up the hobby of baking.

her favourite treat to make were her famous red velvet cookies, and soon it became everyone else's favourite in the castle.

she took the cookies out with caution, and placed them on the cool marble counter.

she suddenly felt an arm snake around her shoulders from the front to the back, and suddenly she was pulled back into a firm chest. the familiar scent of mint and vanilla invaded her senses.

"hi, san." she giggled.

"hello, my princess. are you making cookies?" he inquired, tone cheery as he swayed side to side and brought her along with him. she grinned at the cheesy nickname.

she turned around in his arms and hummed a yes, bringing her arms up to rest on his broad shoulders.

"can i try one?" he asked, his eyes sparkling when he noticed a fresh batch waiting to be devoured.

she nodded and reached out to take one, gently mblowing on it and she held it up for him to take a bite.

he looked at her mischievously, and he leaned forward and engulfed the entire treat into his mouth, placing the softest kiss on her finger and leaning back to resume his munching, his squirrel cheeks making an appearance.

she blushed easily, so it was no surprise that her cheeks immediately flushed a deep shade of crimson. he swallowed his food and immediately laughed, and she adored the squeaks that would leave his mouth, and she poked his dimples.

his melodious laughter died down, and he pinched her cheeks softly before putting a hand on the back of her head, pulling it so that it would lay on his warm chest.

they resumed their slight swaying, and he rested his chin on the top of her head as he sighed deeply.

"it's next week." he spoke.

"i know," she replied, and her fingers subconsciously fisted his shirt into a bunch, "you better stay safe. you and everyone else." she said, her voice shaky yet strong.

she moved her head away to look up at his eyes, worry swirling around in her eyes. she brought her small hand up, holding her pinky up.

he immediately caught on and linked his small finger with her even smaller one, kissing their intertwined hands.

"i promise."



here's a double update that isn't really a double update but an update that shouldn't be out yet but i'm gonna put it out anyways because i have zero self control :)

stay safe and stan ateez <3

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